
automobility in a sentence

1) Throughout the world the growth of automobility has produced increasing volumes of fast-flowing traffic through ill-suited road networks.

2) The truth is that the president, like the movement he represents, opposes automobility and abundant energy because both liberate you.

3) Based on comparisons between different urban regions, Florida shows that the American suburban model - founded on massive consumption and automobility - is long past its sell-by date.

4) An article in October's issues of the Journal of Transport Geography, " Puncturing automobility? ," looks at the effects of carsharing on car ownership.

automobility example sentences

5) Without a transport solution - an alternative to the car - the suburbs will remain at the whim of the coercive flexibility of automobility .

6) 1999 - automobility - Was uns bewegt.

7) "The Enigma of Automobility: Democratic Politics and Pollution Control.

8) Designed to help customers with permanent disabilities enter, exit and/or operate a new vehicle, Chrysler's automobility Program can help you do the things you love to do in life.

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