
automobile crash in a sentence

1) Alcohol is a major factor in fatal automobile crashes .

2) Fire is a dangerous and frightening part of an automobile crash .

automobile collocations
3) He had bruises and a concussion after an automobile crash .

4) Fourteen years later he burned to death in a fiery automobile crash .

automobile crash example sentences

5) Distracted driving plays a significant role in automobile crashes at train crossings.

6) Barnes died on July 24, 1951, in an automobile crash .

7) Most subdural hematomas are caused by severe head trauma sustained in automobile crashes .

8) He had died in an automobile crash a little over a month earlier.

9) At 0.15, the likelihood of an automobile crash has increased 380 times.

10) Seems as death's from sleeping pills are far exceding deaths from automobile crashes .

11) Heavy rains in Jalisco killed eleven, many of whom occurred in automobile crashes .

12) A recent study indicated that seventeen percent of drivers in fatal automobile crashes tested positive for marijuana use.

13) A year later his father was killed in another automobile crash that was also caused by a drunk driver.

14) In October 1963, Stephens was indicted for price fixing milk and dies soon after in a automobile crash .

example sentences with automobile

15) Co-author Jeffrey Zaslow died on February 10, 2012, in an automobile crash while promoting a different book.

16) In the 1992 NFL Off-season, DT Jerome Brown died in a high speed automobile crash on June 25.

17) Hastings died in a fiery high-speed automobile crash on June 18, 2013, in Los Angeles, California.

18) Shortly after the series' cancellation, Kinison was fatally injured and his wife seriously hurt in an automobile crash .

19) According to the report, automobile crashes increase 40 percent over sober driving in the 0.02-0.04 BAC range.

20) Author Robert Groden reminded the crowd that former Dallas researcher Larry Ray Harris had died recently in an automobile crash .

21) A heavy reliance on automobiles increases traffic throughout the city as well as automobile crashes, pedestrian injuries, and air pollution.

22) When an automobile crashes, the kinetic energy of the vehicle is converted into heat, crushed metal, injury and death.

23) He died of a massive heart attack in 1997, while attempting to assist at an automobile crash outside of his home.

24) As every person who has been in an automobile crash knows, the first thing you should do is call the police.

25) Whether you were injured in an automobile crash, a nursing home, or at your place of work, our attorneys may be able to relieve your stress and ease your path to recovery.

26) He once injured his ankle so badly he had to hop his runs to keep the streak alive, and it only ended after an automobile crash left him in a coma.

27) Dennis Stauffer, founder of Stauffer Percussion and Phattie Drums, was killed in an automobile crash in Fairview, N.C. in mid-January.

How to use automobile in a sentence

28) On a sunny afternoon in late June, Cambridge professor Joseph Reavley is summoned from a student cricket match to learn that his parents have died in an automobile crash .

29) The small width and ancient layout of the UK road system combined with illegal street racing is a deadly combination as the amount of automobile crashes and spectators accidents have increased.

30) The subprime crisis led to the financial system crash of 2008; and it is likened to a fatal automobile crash that killed all the occupants.

31) She died on the way to the meeting from a severe hit-and-run automobile crash that damaged both the rear end and front end of her vehicle.

32) Highlighting the tragedy of insufficient care available to blacks was the 1931 death of Juliette Derricotte, Dean of Women at Fisk University, following an automobile crash near Dalton, Georgia.

33) Left end Bernard Kirk, who received first-team All-American honors from Eckersall, died of meningitis in December 1922 after sustaining a brain injury in an automobile crash .

34) On June 18, 2013, Michael Hastings died in a single-vehicle automobile crash in his Mercedes C250 Coupé at approximately 4:25 a.m. in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles.

35) There have been 41 state troopers killed in the line of duty since its founding: 19 died by gunshot, 17 in automobile crashes, five in aircraft crashes, and one in an explosion.

36) When Snake Eyes arrived in Japan following the death of his entire family in a horrific automobile crash, he was invited to study with the clan.

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