
automobile assembly plant in a sentence

1) On his release, Berry settled into married life and worked at an automobile assembly plant.

2) However, a major automobile assembly plant in Minnesota furloughed workers for several weeks since the last report.

automobile collocations
3) In 1998 the AutoAlliance Thailand (AAT, formed in 1995) automobile assembly plant was opened, a joint venture between Ford Motor Company and Mazda Motor Corporation in Rayong province, Thailand.

4) In June 2005, Toyota announced plans to build a new, $CAD1.1 billion automobile assembly plant in Woodstock on a 1,000-acre (4 km2) undeveloped site in the city's northeast end.

automobile assembly plant example sentences

5) However, between 1923 and 1987 the General Motors and Fisher Body automobile assembly plants were far and away the city's major employer in terms of production, payroll and employees.

6) There are currently three automobile assembly plants: Volkswagen's in Bratislava, PSA Peugeot Citroën's in Trnava and Kia Motors' Žilina Plant.

7) Ford Motor Company has an automobile assembly plant located in Hegewisch, and most of the facilities of the Port of Chicago are also on the South Side.

8) For the manufacturing, a former Ford automobile assembly plant in Pico Rivera, California, was acquired and heavily rebuilt; the plant's employees were sworn to complete secrecy regarding their work.

9) A contact in St. Louis reported commercial construction plans in the Dogtown neighborhood and that an automobile assembly plant expansion is under construction in Wentzville.

10) com reports that the Aviation JV could also result in other synergies between the two groups such as opening an automobile assembly plant in Malaysia to facilitate Tata Motors' entry into the nation.

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