
automation company in a sentence

1) Vivint, a home automation company, occupies the asset on a long-term lease.

2) In March 2009, Amazon acquired Kiva Systems, a warehouse robotics and automation company .

automation collocations
3) In April 2008, BMC bought BladeLogic, a data center automation software company, for $854 million.

4) Up to this point, overall, 64.55% of the current ESPs and Marketing automation companies still remain private.

automation company example sentences

5) Marketing automation software companies are evaluated by the independent research team to establish which software companies supply the best marketing automation solutions.

6) He came to Duke after working for four years as a supervisor of a digital imaging unit at a library automation software company in Virginia.

7) StackStorm is a DevOps automation company, created by myself and Dmitri Zimine, with the goal of leading the third wave of operations automation.

8) Developed in close cooperation with automation companies, systems engineers and users, the University of Weihenstephan is currently developing a universal standard for the bakery industry.

9) Superior Audio-visual installers and home automation specialists – we are the professional home automation installation company for Control 4 in Woodstock for all of your requirements.

10) Beanworks started as an accounts payable automation company that streamlined critical financial transactions and automated the paper workflow with vendor invoices, and removing the paper.

11) The evidence is found in the more than $5 billion that CRM vendors have spent on marketing automation companies in the last two years.

12) Heath Johns is Chief Architect at Point Clark Networks, an network automation company in Toronto, Canada

13) " Development of a high level of automation is anticipated in the future following Amazon's 2012 acquisition of Kiva Systems, a warehouse automation company .

14) 1 ) BSA is a coalition of primarily software makers, primarily hardware makers, automation company, a car company and even freeware producers like AVG and Adobe.

example sentences with automation

15) (March 31, 2009) – Exel recently began order fulfillment and assembly services for ABB, a leading power and automation technology company .

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