
automatically reject in a sentence

1) Messages over 50 KB will be automatically rejected by the system.

2) Previously, the Foreign Service automatically rejected anyone with HIV.

automatically collocations
3) Because he was not a SCPP member, the request was automatically rejected.

4) Accordingly, conversion for marriage to a member of the community was automatically rejected.

automatically reject example sentences

5) Unlike many literary magazines, The Picolata Review does not automatically reject genre fiction.

6) Please Note: DARS may not automatically reject D grades for the major.

7) You can have your browser notify you of, or automatically reject, cookies.

8) Did you automatically reject them?

9) No one knows exactly why a fetus is not automatically rejected by the mother's immune system.

10) He believed that this sequence caused the minds of the viewer to automatically reject all political class structures.

11) Because of the prophecy of Joel 2:28-29, that is not something I would automatically reject.

12) In ""Big Baby Turtles"", Porcupine King auditions as a stand-in for the Turtles and is automatically rejected.

13) It won't change their mind on this submission, and it might lead them to automatically reject your next one.

14) And today's Congress, though, is full of folks who stubbornly and automatically reject the scientific evidence about climate change.

example sentences with automatically

15) The results of a background check or drug test may not be used to automatically reject a U.S. worker for agricultural work.

16) If the policy of a Website states that a cookie is used for this purpose, the browser automatically rejects the cookie.

17) In other words, he had been manipulated into automatically rejecting the information because it was from us, yet without knowing what it was we were saying - or why.

18) It does mean, however, that we should not automatically reject opportunities for growth merely because they would change our current human nature in some way.

19) Applications uploaded to the site after 11:59 p.m. of the application deadline date will be automatically rejected by the www.grants.gov system as technically ineligible.

20) This is not some wizard stuff, limited to select cogniscenti, and there should be people available, if employers stop automatically rejecting the older workers.

21) automatically rejecting dissenting views that challenge the conventional wisdom is a dangerous fallacy, for almost every generally accepted view was once deemed eccentric or heretical.

22) The turntables had to be retrofitted with matchbook covers to keep them from automatically rejecting themselves from an album if the "start" switch was pushed just a hair too far.

23) There has been plenty of research on techniques to automatically reject spam e-mail or restrict the ability of spammers to generate it in the first place.

24) Most Amway distributors automatically reject anything negative about Amway, even if it's coming from someone they've loved and respected all their life.

25) However, anecdotal evidence suggests some councils and authorities automatically reject first and second appeals, so you may need to pursue the matter all the way to the adjudicator.

26) Anything we hear that simply does not fit in with our beliefs and convictions, we automatically reject at an unconscious level of awareness.

27) Wallace believes that the committee has a blacklist of observers, from whom it automatically rejects records unless there are other observers able to corroborate the sighting.

28) This automatically rejects someone who has assistance ( who pays 30% of their income with the subsidy covering the rest)--if they have that much income, then they would not receive a subsidy.

29) Crackpots automatically reject evidence that does not conform to their opinion ; they 'cherry pick' evidence that does conform to their opinion.

30) Any opinion Sullivan has on the subject of homosexuality is to be automatically rejected precisely because his views do not comport with Scripture.

31) Correct the software system so it automatically rejected incorrect serial numbers when orders were first entered–i.e., serial numbers that were already in use.

32) The registration request is automatically rejected if one of the following conditions is encountered:

33) Rhonda Wilcox attributes this to the Emmys being a "bastion of conservative popular taste", automatically rejecting television shows in the fantasy/science fiction genres.

These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of our website. Please inform us about the inappropriate sentences:
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