
automatic writing in a sentence

1) Similar incidents were reported during his automatic writing sessions.

2) From that time automatic writing became more dominant.

automatic collocations
3) Article spinning is a type of automatic writing using rudimentary artificial intelligence algorithms.

4) He did automatic writing and moved ornaments - that sort of thing.

automatic writing example sentences

5) Word of knowledge... precognition, automatic writing, mediums.

6) Psychics deal with astrology, numerology and automatic writing.

7) Teaching... automatic writing and mediums.

8) Piper was a trance medium but in her later séances preferred automatic writing.

9) Jesus: automatic writing and Thought Impression.

10) Her automatic writings therefore are not works of revelation but simply of pious imagination.

11) During their honeymoon, Yeats's wife demonstrated her gift for automatic writing.

12) To receive revelations from this deity-god, which were recorded using automatic writing.

13) Miraculous powers... divination, automatic writing, telepathy.

14) James Padgett received by automatic writing.

example sentences with automatic

15) I felt a chill run down my spine as I read about automatic writing.

16) He told reporters the information was being given to them by voices and automatic writing.

17) There is a specter haunting the world of writers - the specter of automatic writing.

18) This will change soon, because automatic writing will revolutionize journalism, not to mention freelance writing.

19) But Georgie then pulled a master-stroke by revealing that she had a talent for automatic writing.

20) The world of finance, awash in facts and figures, is also fertile ground for automatic writing.

21) He and his wife were said to have claimed to have contacted Zoroaster through "automatic writing".

22) With regard to written aspects of language, a distinction has again been drawn between conscious and automatic writing.

23) However, Éluard practiced automatic writing very little, but it was one of Breton's favorite subjects.

24) Stead claimed that he was in the habit of communicating with Freer by telepathy and automatic writing.

25) Omoto was established based on Nao's automatic writings (Ofudesaki) and Onisaburō's spiritual techniques.

26) It was automatic writing sometimes, but if the architecture looked wrong I would erase it and start again.

27) A friendship sprang up, and it was soon realized that Dr Samuels was able to take automatic writings.

How to use automatic in a sentence

28) And she started automatic writing as they were going through the orange groves between San Berdoo and Los Angeles.

29) In the documentary a clairvoyant called Sheila St. Clair communicated with the spirits of the house through automatic writing.

30) Read claimed in a letter written to psychoanalyst Carl Jung that the novel was a product of automatic writing.

31) This book was written as a received text, whether through meditation, automatic writing, or some other means.

32) automatic writing: the alleged production of interpretable, legible information, with either hand, while undertaking other tasks.

33) So new is this topic of automatic writing that there are very few Google or Bing searches on the subject.

34) You know: ghosts, table-turning, trances, automatic writing, levitations ... in other words, spirits.

35) Indeed, automatic writing is similar to Projective Verse, though Olson makes no reference to it in the essay.

36) Similar to the process of doing Gematria, automatic writing involves asking questions and writing the answers from the extra-sensory mind.

37) She soon discovered that she had the gift of "automatic writing" by which she could communicate with various deceased personalities.

38) This is certainly not an example of the parallelism of greater precision, but neither is it an example of automatic writing.

39) The group has recorded two albums, "automatic Writing" (2004) and "AW II" (2007).

40) Amongst these gifted people was Grace Rosher who did automatic writings and received messages from the departed as well as from Crookes.

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