
automatic update in a sentence

1) After installation it performs an automatic software update .

2) automatic updates for greater user convenience and security.

automatic collocations
3) automatic updates are already there for years .

4) After several automatic updates the column statistics are dropped rather than updated.

automatic update example sentences

5) Some states have a procedure for an automatic update .

6) You may need to purchase a subscription to get automatic updates .

7) It is distributed over the automatic Windows update one month later.

8) You can disable automatic updates for these as well .

9) I thought the wifi only was an option for future automatic updates .

10) We are having some administration issues with the "automatic update " system.

11) Wherever possible, enable automatic updates .

12) That will allow me to get automatic updates of new websites.

13) Set automatic update and make two users, Administrator and User.

14) The automatic update of the operating system provides the installation of new patches.

example sentences with automatic

15) Antivirus features iAVS, a fast automatic update based on Internet connection.

16) A computer that is configured for automatic updates is shut down during a scheduled update.

17) Choose No automatic updates because on servers you should try manual update the system.

18) This is an example of ________ to attract customers who value this automatic update .

19) About 90 percent of Windows PCs have been programmed to get the automatic updates .

20) ICE is the first IFE system to be connected directly to automatic news updates .

21) It will provide automatic updates, community support, downloadable content and other unannounced features.

22) To pause and restart automatic updates, click "Live" or "Paused".

23) Hit the'subscribe' button for automatic email updates when I write something new.

24) With the automatic updates and scanning you stay protected against any potential threat from Trojan horse.

25) To correct the problem, information technology managers disabled automatic security updates on nearly 8,000 hospital computers.

26) automatic updates of the Chrome OS and bu ... Introducing the new Chromebook.

27) To configure the automatic update do the following: - Open BitDefender and click Update.

How to use automatic in a sentence

28) It can also be difficult for users with reading difficulties to keep up with automatic updates .

29) There are other examples, such as no automatic updates, which Chrome can't use.

30) If people continue to wait for the automatic update to occur, that's their choice.

31) Most Windows users have automatic update enabled, and will get the patch from there.

32) For conveniences you can use settings in the software to set up automatic updates and scans.

33) I am back to 10.10 and have turned off automatic updates until I find a better browser.

34) Also, turn off automatic updates on your apps because the data charges can be a nightmare.

35) They should seriously add Skype as an update to download automatically when performing the easy automatic system update .

36) No, you can only enable automatic updates and wait for them to get pushed down.

37) Trust is also important when a major change (like the automatic updates mentioned above) is implemented.

38) I thought, having automatic updates on ..." M - "OK, let's see.

39) Chromium builds for MS Windows can be downloaded directly, although they do not include automatic updates .

40) When enabled, this option causes SQL Server 2005 to perform automatic update of statistics in the background.

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