
automatic stay in a sentence

1) automatic stay of enforcement of claims against the debtor.

2) This had the effect of an automatic stay on the litigation.

automatic collocations
3) BAPCPA limited the applicability of the automatic stay in eviction proceedings.

4) In a Chapter 7 case, the automatic stay is not reinstated.

automatic stay example sentences

5) The debtors filed an adversary motion alleging that the bank violated the automatic stay .

6) An important feature applicable to all types of bankruptcy filings is the automatic stay .

7) Unlike a bankruptcy filing, there is no automatic stay in Assignments.

8) Further, creditors may file with the court seeking relief from the automatic stay .

9) This motion was brought in order to determine the status of the automatic stay .

10) The automatic stay means that a bankruptcy filing automatically stops most lawsuits, including foreclosures.

11) Such recognition would impose an automatic stay on the American proceedings brought by Barclays.

12) This is because the automatic stay is essential to a debtor's ability to reorganize.

13) The automatic stay is a court order that usually takes effect right after filing for bankruptcy.

14) The bankruptcy code itself provides for an automatic stay of all state proceedings against the debtor.

example sentences with automatic

15) Of the automatic stay and a discharge of dischargeable debts within a couple of months.

16) The automatic stay in bankruptcy is the court order that requires all collection proceedings to stop.

17) Whenever you file Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the judge is going to issue an automatic stay .

18) Bankruptcy Code ยง 362 imposes the automatic stay at the moment a bankruptcy petition is filed.

19) The bankruptcy order does not act as an automatic stay of all proceedings against the bankrupt.

20) The automatic stay also prohibits collection actions and proceedings directed toward property of the bankruptcy estate itself.

21) The automatic stay stops the foreclosure proceeding as soon as the individual files the chapter 13 petition.

22) Permission is requested by a creditor by filing a motion for relief from the automatic stay .

23) Consequently, an informal (and often incomplete) automatic stay will result from an ABC.

24) The automatic stay was in place at the time of dismissal, and should remain in effect.

25) The court then modified the automatic stay to allow the creditor to pursue her rights in state court.

26) Bankruptcy Code 362(d) gives 4 ways that a creditor can get the automatic stay removed.

27) The card will also allow a CARICOM national an automatic six-month stay in any territory within the bloc.

How to use automatic in a sentence

28) In most cases, once you file your case, an "automatic stay " immediately goes into effect.

29) The parties may reset for hearing that portion of the motion seeking and opposing relief from the automatic stay .

30) Under specific circumstances, the secured creditor can obtain an order from the court granting relief from the automatic stay .

31) A violation of the automatic stay could result in the assessment of damages which may also include attorneys' fees.

32) Chapter filing chapter after chapter bankruptcy chapter not able to vacate a bankruptcy dismissal, the court lifts the automatic stay .

33) After trial the court held that the creditor willfully violated the automatic stay, and awarded debtor actual and punitive damages.

34) You also might be able to file for sanctions against the lender inside your bankruptcy case for violating the automatic stay .

35) If these alternatives result in the secured creditor being adequately protected, relief from the automatic stay will not be granted.

36) Limited the duration of the automatic stay, particularly for debtors who had filed within one year of a previous bankruptcy.

37) Motions to lift the automatic stay, like any other motion filed in Bankruptcy Court, may be opposed by you.

38) A filed bankruptcy petition immediately operates as an automatic stay, holding in abeyance various forms of creditor action against the debtor.

39) The automatic stay prevents the commencement or continuation of a proceeding against the debtor in any court, including the tax court.

40) The hearing on a motion to continue the automatic stay must be concluded no later than 30 days after the petition date.

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