
automatic across in a sentence

1) The automatic, across-the-board sequester cuts become official at midnight.

2) The last part of the savings is coming from these automatic, across-the-board cuts.

automatic collocations
3) That's the name for automatic across-the-board series of government spending cuts totalling $85-billion.

4) Otherwise Congress would have to face the consequences of automatic across-the-board cuts under the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings budget deficit reduction law.

automatic across example sentences

5) Short-staffed control towers translated into thousands of flight delays this week, all because of those automatic across-the-board spending cuts.

6) According to FMM, it had recommended that government allows automatic, across-the-board deductions of wages for levy and accommodation costs.

7) But K Street power players also worry about a "sequester," automatic across-the-board cuts in federal programs that will take effect in 2013 unless lawmakers negotiate an alternative.

8) If Congress and the president couldn't reach an agreement about what to cut, the plan would trigger automatic across-the-board spending cuts.

9) Sequestration is a series of automatic, across-the-board federal cuts that will take effect if Congress doesn't reach a budget solution in the next few months.

10) This directed automatic across-the-board cuts (known as "sequestrations") split evenly between defense and domestic spending, beginning on January 2, 2013.

11) But they say if you can remove the threat of a debt limit, the president is ready to talk about spending, about appropriations, about the sequester, those automatic across-the-board cuts.

12) JUDY WOODRUFF : Now, we just heard in Hari's report that the sequester, these automatic across-the-board spending cuts still in place.

13) Those automatic across-the-board spending cuts, agreed to during the last fiscal fights, will start being felt more intensely over the next few weeks.

14) To say negotiations have broken down over how to avert the $ 1.2 trillion in automatic, across-the-board cuts assumes that they ever really began in earnest – which they didn't.

example sentences with automatic

15) He called the reductions imposed by the automatic, across-the-board cuts a "modest" step in solving Washington's "spending addiction.

16) The cuts are the result of the so-called sequestration act, the automatic across-the-board reduction in spending that started to kick in March 1 st .

17) Virginia's economy stands to take a hit from military cuts under sequestration, the automatic, across-the-board cuts that went into effect this month.

18) The nation's governors say their states are threatened if the automatic, across-the-board budget cuts, known as the sequester, take effect March 1.

19) Originally intended by Congress and President Obama as a threat to force tough deficit-reduction decisions, the sequester has instead taken effect and begun imposing automatic across-the-board cuts.

20) Even if the automatic across-the-board cuts remove 7.8 percent from the Navy's Procurement budget, it would still have about 15 percent of that left for this fiscal year.

21) Similarly, if Congress fails to move a bill this fall making $1.2 trillion in required reductions, automatic across-the-board cuts would kick in.

22) " This is just an automatic, across-the-board thing.

23) "I sure as hell hope that sequestration [automatic, across-the-board cuts in military spending] doesn't happen . . . It would be a disaster in terms of the Defense Department.

24) " He added that "if Congress fails to act over the next year, the Department of Defense will face devastating, automatic, across-the-board cuts that will tear a seam in the nation's defense.

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