
automate control in a sentence

1) Valve actuators play a major part in automating process control .

2) A completely integrated automation system can ensure efficiency and automate temperature controls within zones.

automate collocations
3) This program can be incorporated into scripts and monitoring programs to automate cluster control .

4) Interactive media design automates climate control by tying HVAC systems directly into the home automation network.

automate control example sentences

5) automated arc voltage-based height controls for more consistent cut quality and longer consumable parts life emerged.

6) For example, automating controls that are manual in nature can save costs and improve transaction processing.

7) Energy management systems can also be provisioned via a converged network, to monitor demand and automate demand-based controls .

8) And the RCA Mark I and Mark II synthesizers at Columbia University had automated filter controls ; but SWEEPING the filter DURING the note was difficult.

9) That section of track uses ASFS, an older signaling system widely used in Spain which gives warnings to operators, but which does not automate speed control .

10) While much of the operation of a simple autoclave can remain manual, temperature control is virtually always automated, as this is easily done at low cost.

11) Finally, the unique Zone mode, first introduced in "Wipeout Fusion", automates the player's acceleration control, progressively moving the craft at higher speeds.

12) Digital control systems to automate process controls, operator tools and service information systems to optimize plant safety and security are within the purview of the IoT.

13) fully automated control as the sole operating system for driverless vehicles on autonomous, separate tracks

14) The panel shows the light's intensity, as well as its colour and pan/tilt and shutter positions if the light has automated control of those properties.

example sentences with automate

15) Solar plants are required to have automated controls in place to reduce as needed - and to intelligently handle the " 50.2hz" problem (brown outs/glitches/overproduction).

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