
autojumble in a sentence

1) Most weekends there is an autojumble taking place somewhere.

2) This site has a substantial parts, or "autojumble", section.

3) Used in conjunction with traditional autojumbles it can really help with finding rare items.

4) The Gavnø Classic autojumble is Denmark's largest exhibition of classic cars, and takes place every summer.

autojumble example sentences

5) On a Sunday late in November 01, I popped down to hooton park for their autojumble.

6) Our next outing is to the Popham Aerojumble and Fly-In which also incorporates a classic car meet and autojumble.

7) Patience and leg work at autojumbles can often turn up parts for more unusual cars, but it takes time.

8) Many vendors of autojumble don't know what they have, often selling on stock from garage clearance sales and the like.

9) Finding these trims parts usually involves joining a relevant owners club and scouring their classifieds sections, or slogging around autojumbles looking for the bits you need.

10) Each edition has a "Whats on" section which lists all the autojumbles for the next couple of months plus the usual trade ads and loads of private ads.

11) autojumbles.

12) Heavy duty axle stands and jack(s) will also be required, although these can often be sourced at autojumbles and off the internet for relatively modest prices, if you hunt around long enough.

13) Online Autojumble!!

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