
autochthon in a sentence

1) It is still the best autochthon introduction available.

2) Only a few thousand autochthons are left.

3) Polish settlers coveted autochthon property, and they resented and distrusted the verified autochthons.

4) Polish settlers coveted autochthon property, and they resented and distrusted the verified autochthons.

autochthon example sentences

5) Many autochthons fled to occupied Germany in despair at their treatment, although the situation in Germany was little better.

6) The expelled included German autochthons stripped of Polish citizenship and additional 700,000 members of the German minority from areas of pre-war Poland.

7) It is largely present within the body of the Primordial Autochthon, but was also known in Creation during the First Age.

8) No such ambiguity exists with another word from the same source, autochthon, an original inhabitant of any country, who seems to have sprung from the soil; here the ch is said as k .

9) The Pre-Roman autochthon people of the Valencian Community were the Iberians, who were divided in several groups (the Contestani, the Edetani, the Ilercavones and the Bastetani).

10) Alongside original autochthon forms, there is a mix of Scythian, Sarmatian, Hun, Greek, Celtic and Viking influence on Slavic jewellery.

11) In addition to the autochthons, there were remnants of previous invaders such as "Huns" and various Germanic peoples when the Slavs arrived.

12) Armed with terrible weapons by Autochthon, the Exalted thus stood before the elemental pole of earth, in the very centre of the world, and declared war on Heaven.

13) Hearing their seditious whispers, a curious and empathetic Primordial, Autochthon, the Great Maker of Brass and Shadow, sympathised with the plight of the creatures and contrived to assist them.

14) Although the typical Bell Beaker practice of crouched burial has been observed, cremation was readily adopted in accordance with the previous tradition of the autochthons.

example sentences with autochthon

15) The Irish Beaker period is characterized by the ancientness of Beaker intrusions, by isolation and by influences and surviving traditions of autochthons.

16) Today Opole, along with the surrounding region, is known as a centre of the German minority in Poland that recruits mainly from the descendants of the positively verified autochthons.

17) Unlike other parts of the so-called Recovered Territories, Opole and the surrounding region's autochthon population remained and was not forcibly expelled as elsewhere.

18) Alchemical Exalted (Chosen of Autochthon, Champions)

19) "autochthons" not only disliked the subjective and often arbitrary verification process, but they also faced discrimination even once verified.

20) "autochthons"

21) Contribution of autochthon cultures

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