
auto policy in a sentence

1) Can you consolidate auto policies and save?

2) Nearly 4,800 auto policies between 2009 and 2013 were affected .

auto collocations
3) Car wrecks, Motorcycle wrecks are covered unter your auto Policy.

4) The insurance commissioner has that authority for property and auto policies under Proposition 103 .

auto policy example sentences

5) The last section of the commercial auto policy that is amended by this endorsement concerns the exclusions.

6) Excerpts: How are you faring in business since the introduction of FG's new auto policy?

7) auto policies vary by length of time, level of service and an array of add-ons, he says.

8) In a divorce situation, do both parents have to cover the minor driver on each of their auto policies?

9) Because it is rarely used and only pays after the liability coverage under your home or auto policy has been exhausted.

10) Seeking an excise duty structure as stated in the auto policy and the 10 -year auto Mission Plan (AMP).

11) Physical damage coverage on the typical auto policy pays for the "actual cash value" ("ACV") of the loss.

12) If the pedicab owner does have insurance such coverage may be limited in amount and scope as compared to "No Fault" coverage on auto policies.

13) If the at-fault parties have no insurance or not enough, you may be able to recover compensation through your own auto policy's underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage.

14) Many people carry underinsurance coverage on their auto policy to compensate them if the other party does not have enough liability coverage to pay for all your injuries.

example sentences with auto

15) Rental reimbursement coverage - auto insurance coverage that pays a set daily amount for a rental car if the policyholder's car is being repaired because of damage covered by the auto policy.

16) According to its website, MetLife auto u0026 Home offers auto policies and home insurance, whether the policy owner lives in a house, condo, mobile home, or apartment.

17) In such a case, be sure to increase the liability protection under your individual homeowners and auto policies to a level that adequately protects the value of your assets.

18) During departure time see if they are a go on online shopper, modify certain that you be intimate some auto policy establishment is remuneration.

19) Emergency roadside assistance is available to drivers of both automobiles and bicycles . A bicycle membership can be purchased separately or added onto an auto policy for a smaller additional fee.

20) My unbiased advice to the Federal Government and I believe they have good listening ears, is to consider the suspension of the new auto policy for now, because of the adverse effects.

21) Business auto policies cover the following:

22) If you carry uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage on your own auto policy, then you can turn to that for protection.

23) "Consumers have the option to carry additional coverage on their auto policy which pays to repair any deer-related damage to your car," said Mike Consedine, Pennsylvania state insurance commissioner.

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