
auto giant in a sentence

1) This is actually paying off the auto giant.

2) The Japanese auto giants are considering exporting the technology to emerging market countries .

auto collocations
3) Rolls-Royce, a unit of German auto giant BMW, is mostly chauffeur-driven.

4) The Japanese auto giant, Toyota Motor Corporation, is not left out of the autonomous car passion.

auto giant example sentences

5) Facebook: Ford en Espanol Ford en Español is the auto giant's Facebook presence targeting its US Hispanic audience.

6) A merger in early 2008 between Chinese auto giant SAIC Motor and smaller Nanjing auto was one deal to pay off.

7) Shanghai Business Review Stella Xie 13 November 2009 Betting on China auto giant GM joins an increasing number of automakers who are looking to expand their operations in China.

8) The White House described the condition of the country's carmakers today as "fragile," as negotiators struggled to hammer out a possible financial bailout package before the auto giants collapse.

9) In 2007, the company announced a joint venture with Japanese auto giant Nissan (Renault Nissan Group) which will share a common manufacturing facility in Chennai, India.

10) Drucker had suggested that the auto giant might want to re-examine a host of long-standing policies on customer relations, dealer relations, employee relations and more.

11) Apart from the auto giants, a large number of engineering, electronic and electrical industries have set up base in the large, medium and small scale sectors.

12) It is one of India's most important automotive hubs, with some domestic and international auto giants manufacturing here, including Daimler Benz, MTU FN and Volkswagen.

13) On March 31, the value of AvtoVAZ shares jumped by almost 30%, due to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's proclaimed determination to support the auto giant.

14) Iran's main car manufacturer, Iran Khodro, one of the country's biggest employers, suspended sales until new fuel prices are announced, as the news would affect the auto giant's pricing structure.

example sentences with auto

15) The hatchback gave the American auto giant further confidence in Indian market which made them invest in a second manufacturing facility in India .

16) See A Brief Cultural History Of An auto giant : The Volkswagen Beetle It's hard to think of any small car--or, indeed, any car--that's had such an outsize cultural presence.

17) The local unit of Japanese auto giant Toyota Motor Corp, the biggest car manufacturer in South Africa, says 98 percent of sales of its popular Fortuner SUV are diesel.

18) But in Germany, the auto giant was given special permission to keep using the older gas, despite initial approval by the German Automakers Association, VDA, of which Daimler is a member.

19) We 've had robust growth GDP on the upswing, great demand - otherwise the world's auto giants wouldn't set up shop here.

20) Fiat, Italian auto giant who seems to be slowly absorbing every small-fish automaker they can find seems to be gearing up for building more models fueled by compressed natural gas (CNG).

21) Ford, President USA auto giant, the offspring Ford cars, recently a striking phrase: now we must take road cars running on the mobile phone, notebook computer as intelligent, tablet computer.

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