
auto garage in a sentence

1) The consist of five workers employed at the Pegasus auto Garage.

2) To cover up their activities, they built a huge auto garage.

auto collocations
3) Sam entrusts the shard to his then-girlfriend Mikaela Banes, who places it within her father's auto garage.

4) In the early '80s, the troupe moved into an old auto garage, now called the Greenwood Playhouse, located at 148 NW Greenwood, finally paying off the mortgage on the building last year.

auto garage example sentences

5) And then I figured, the auto garage is close enough to where I live so I'll be back for an oil change.

6) Orquesta Tipica Fernandez Fierro, Caff, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 11/13/13 Located in a former auto garage, Caff is a performance space founded in 2004 by this extraordinary ensemble.

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