
autist in a sentence

1) autists and neuro-normal people get to know each other.

2) autists are accepted and enjoyed for themselves, not forced into a procrustean neuro-normal mold.

3) As things stand in British arts, only an autist would dare to profess disinterest in diversity.

4) The Musical autist was founded in 2011 and has hosted more than a dozen jazz and classical music concerts, Cefaratti said.

autist example sentences

5) However, an anti-psychiatric viewpoint is not found in nearly all of those advocating acceptance for autists or other "outsiders".

6) First of all, he is a KindTree autist - Artist, being featured in 3 juried art shows produced by KindTree Productions.

7) Sold on pastoral endings and the coy backward glance, America, the world's autist, insists on its own terms: civil war, insurgency, pockets of resistance, dead-enders, a few bad eggs.

8) We celebrate our artists with a gala opening, giving people a chance to rub elbows with some notable autists, and autists palpable proof of their self-worth and a market for their art.

9) We celebrate our artists with a gala opening, giving people a chance to rub elbows with some notable autists, and autists palpable proof of their self-worth and a market for their art.

10) Our annual Summer Camp/Retreat for autists and their caregivers is KindTree - Autism Rocks' founding event and the only event of its kind since 1997.

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