
authority association in a sentence

1) I propose to consult local authority associations on that very point.

2) My Department is working closely with local authority associations on the matter.

authority collocations
3) Local authority associations say the total community care funding is £135 million short.

4) The local authority associations were subsequently asked to provide an alternative set of proposals.

authority association example sentences

5) The department agreed to consider this in consultation with the local authority associations .

6) In apparent competition with the authorities, Islamist associations were reported to have mounted effective local relief operations.

7) But local authority associations, professional bodies and voluntary groups must not become scapegoats for government complacency and inaction.

8) The Local Government International bureau is the European and international affairs unit of the U.K. local authority associations .

9) Local authority associations say the transfer money is likely to be more than £100 million short of what is needed.

10) Local authority associations have identified the need for additional resources to provide both housing and education of the children of refugees.

11) They may be unresponsive to ministerial suggestions, and they may make this opposition very clear through the local authority associations .

12) The Government and all local authority associations have agreed a National Code of Local Government Conduct for the guidance of councillors.

13) Yet the circular as published is a considerably milder version of one which was circulated among local authority associations in July 1980.

14) Eventually the local authority associations agreed a self-denying ordinance and in many authorities councillors do not seek access to records on individuals.

example sentences with authority

15) Act and that I want to talk to local authority associations about that, so we will be in consultation with them.

16) The Government is urgently to review powers available for councils to control acid house parties, Virginia Bottomley, the Environment Minister, told chairmen of local authority associations .

17) Lord Carr of Hadley: My Lords, might it be possible for the Government to make use of the local authority associations to circulate information about best practice among their members?

18) Around 5% of older people now live in sheltered housing provided by local authorities, housing associations, and, increasingly, by private developers.

19) I have given careful consideration to the representations I have received on the level of settlement and the views that the local authority associations in coming to my final decisions.

20) The Government has also pledged to work with local authorities, housing associations and residents to develop a strategy and replace any lost social rented housing.

21) The people of Wales - not the local authority associations, not even Her Majesty's splendid Opposition - killed the poll tax.

22) It represents Crédit Agricole's Regional Banks and the Group with respect to the public authorities, agricultural trade associations and bodies with authority for cooperative and mutual banking.

23) As the Health Committee reflects many of the concerns raised by the local authority associations, the association of Metropolitan authorities was naturally jubilant.

24) A study group was appointed jointly by the Secretary of State for the Environment and the local authority associations under the chairmanship of M A Bains, Clerk of the Kent County Council.

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