
authorities declared in a sentence

1) The French authorities declared the castle national property.

2) Yugoslav authorities declared the organization illegal and banned its activities.

authorities collocations
3) In 1998, Grozny authorities declared a state of emergency.

4) authorities declared martial law and federal troops arrived to put down the disorder.

authorities declared example sentences

5) The Eritrean authorities declared Eritrea an independent state on 27 April.

6) authorities declared the cause of his death to be a drug overdose.

7) The Catholic authorities declared that they had no money to install the extra toilets.

8) The Occupation authorities declared Nagasaki (and Hiroshima) off-limits to reporters.

9) Soon afterward, authorities declared that the situation in Maungdaw Township had been stabilized.

10) Israeli authorities declared the nearby West Bank city of Nablus a closed military zone.

11) The Austrian authorities declared Polish as official and Ruthenian and German as auxiliary.

12) In 2007, the Italian tax authorities declared Rossi was being investigated for suspected tax evasion.

13) Cuban authorities declared that Gustav is the worst hurricane to hit the country in 50 years.

14) Transnistrian authorities declared that they are not involved in the manufacture or export of weapons.

example sentences with authorities

15) In 2010 ten infants in California died and health authorities declared an epidemic with 9,120 cases.

16) These religious authorities declared that slavery is lawful in principle but it is regrettable in its consequences.

17) It was first found in China in 1970 and authorities declared it an endemic disease in 1994 .

18) The new Romanian authorities declared peace with the Allies and advised the population to greet Soviet troops.

19) The Armenian authorities declared May 29 a national day of mourning for the victims of the fighting.

20) Party authorities declared martial law on May 20, and mobilized as many as 300,000 troops to Beijing.

21) Several authorities declared that the Crown had the power to add life peers to the House of Lords.

22) December 1981: Martial Law in Poland authorities declared martial law in Poland on December 13, 1981.

23) In 1835, the tsarist authorities declared a 7-year deadline to transfer the education from Romanian to Russian.

24) In 1991 the municipal authorities declared that water from over 100 wells was hazardous for health if used for drinking.

25) Soviet authorities declared the "temporarily occupied city of Kishinev" as "de jure" capital of the ASSR.

26) The authorities declared it to be illegal but the Reform League thought otherwise and was determined it should be held.

27) After three years of investigation, the Indonesian authorities declared that the cause of the accident could not be determined.

How to use authorities in a sentence

28) The authorities declared martial law, banned all public meetings and called out twenty-two more militia companies to patrol the streets.

29) National authorities declared that the recession ended in June 2009, but numerous economic indicators continue to signal a fragile recovery.

30) His three sisters were made wards of the state a year later when authorities declared them to be "neglected".

31) So great is the threat that in 2011, Israeli authorities declared the facility unsalvageable and ordered it shuttered by 2013.

32) As a result of the 2009 visit, the authorities declared that Suu Kyi breached the conditions of her house arrest.

33) On January 15, the authorities declared states of emergency in other parts of Azerbaijan (but not in Baku).

34) authorities declared martial law, enforced quarantine, and undertook widespread re-vaccination of the population, enlisting the help of the WHO.

35) On May 14 2013, Nigerian authorities declared a State of Emergency in three North-Eastern states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa to combat militancy.

36) To ensure that happened, authorities declared the second day of voting a public holiday to free people to vote and threatened to enforce fines on those who did not cast ballots.

37) His visit did nothing to stem the exodus, however, and on Jan. 20 the Greek authorities declared that no Albanian would be allowed to enter Greece without a passport and visa.

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