
authoritarian rule in a sentence

1) However, his authoritarian rule saw numerous human rights abuses.

2) This set the stage for 18 years of authoritarian rule .

authoritarian collocations
3) This was also a period of harsh authoritarian rule .

4) After all, Zimbabwe is under effective authoritarian rule .

authoritarian rule example sentences

5) Viewed favorably in Yugoslavia despite authoritarian rule .

6) It represented the only worthwhile opposition to Mubarak's authoritarian rule .

7) Even the French Second Republic eventually succumbed to the lure of authoritarian rule .

8) Nationwide protests broke out against Erdoğan's allegedly authoritarian rule in 2013 and 2014.

9) The DPP has its roots in liberal opposition to Kuomintang one-party authoritarian rule .

10) Gaddafi deliberately left a legacy of a weak state unable to challenge his authoritarian rule .

11) They drew on notions "of traditional community to justify new forms of authoritarian rule .

12) The legislative and judicial branches of the Venezuelan government were subordinated to his authoritarian rule .

13) By November 16, many of Czechoslovakia's neighbours were beginning to shed authoritarian rule .

14) I am very grateful that both sides of my family freed themselves from its authoritarian rule .

example sentences with authoritarian

15) Marduk succeeds Marke as the Consul and continues the period of brutal authoritarian rule .

16) In other words, corporal punishment is more common where people live under restrictive, authoritarian rule .

17) Signs of Bakiyev's authoritarian rule were visible ever since he stepped into office in 2005.

18) More and more the independence of Mafia families was superseded by the authoritarian rule of Riina.

19) Diệm promptly reneged on his promises, and intensified his authoritarian rule and crackdowns on dissidents.

20) Once authoritarian rule was established, non-Catholic Bibles were confiscated by police and Protestant schools were closed.

21) Sunni Iraqis fear marginalization or even a creeping Shi'ite-led authoritarian rule under Maliki.

22) A critic of both democracy and totalitarianism, he supported authoritarian rule and German supremacy in Europe.

23) The country was under martial law again from 1972 to 1981 under the authoritarian rule of Ferdinand Marcos.

24) He faces EU sanctions as a result of his authoritarian rule, widespread rigging and intimidation during elections.

25) Like Germany, most new nations in Eastern Europe slid from systems of democratic to authoritarian rule .

26) In December, the king created the National Renaissance Front as the political instrument of his authoritarian rule .

27) Following a military coup in the 1960s Park established a strong authoritarian rule characterized by a one-party regime.

How to use authoritarian in a sentence

28) Maldives's 20-year period of authoritarian rule under Nasir abruptly ended in 1978 when he fled to Singapore.

29) Eventually groups developed, such as the "Brush Gang", opposing the authoritarian rule of the Board.

30) The entrenchment of authoritarian rule indifferent to criticism has become a dangerous model for the region and the global community.

31) But then Park does remember why the people still remember and honour her father even today despite his authoritarian rule .

32) Despite social and political unrest, the economy continued to flourish under the authoritarian rule with the export-based industrialization policy.

33) The sense of oppression has increased and with it the fear of a return to past practices under authoritarian rule .

34) The very phrase corporatism is a problem since it continues to evoke the spectre of Italian fascism and authoritarian rule .

35) Aquino was elected to the Philippine Senate in 1967 and shortly thereafter began speaking out against Marcos' authoritarian rule .

36) Mubarak was often compared to an Egyptian pharaoh by the media and some critics, due to his authoritarian rule .

37) If one has no idea how to use it to forge a democracy, authoritarian rule starts all over again.

38) The May Coup started the 13-year period of "sanation" - the authoritarian rules of Piłsudski's camp.

39) After a continuous history of occupation followed by stifling authoritarian rule, Libyans are finally able to reconsider their own past.

40) The government set out to eliminate past vestiges of authoritarian rule, by revising laws and decrees to fit democratic provisions.

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