
authoritarian nature in a sentence

1) The second facet of continuity from pre-colonial times is the authoritarian nature of most African governments.

2) The authoritarian nature of the Iranian example is typical of many literacy programmes in the Third World.

authoritarian collocations
3) Opposition based upon the compulsion and authoritarian nature of conscription and its conflict with democratic processes and ideals.

4) It appeared that one of the main sources of the bishops' opposition was the authoritarian nature of the legislation.

authoritarian nature example sentences

5) Nonetheless, the authoritarian nature of the regime has won it many enemies both inside and outside the country, creating an atmosphere of suspicion and intrigue amongst the educated elite.

6) To the pretendent Don Jaime the problem was not the authoritarian nature of the assembly, but that it implicitly recognized the monarchy of the Alfonsine dynasty.

7) Although women there have had the legal right to vote for years, the authoritarian nature of the old authoritarian regimes meant that both women and men had very few political rights.

8) The New York Times said that Diem was "between two fires" of the insurgency in rural areas and disgust among the populace at the authoritarian nature of his government.

9) Gamini invites Ranjit to join "Pax per Fidem", but the authoritarian nature of "Pax per Fidem" and its "new world order" worry Ranjit and Myra, and Ranjit turns down the offer.

10) Much of the PRI's authoritarian nature was tolerated because the country had seen four decades of economic expansion of six percent or better.

11) Lombardi's perfectionism, authoritarian nature and temper, instilled in his wife a masterful ability to verbally assault and demean Lombardi when he verbally abused her.

12) He came to realize that this sort of policy was very appealing, since it bound workers to the state, and also fit in very well with his authoritarian nature .

13) The growing nationalism of his schemes needed only the more autarchic economic plan and the authoritarian nature of political control to turn it into fullyfledged fascism.

14) As children, she said, playtime was minimal and she believes it was her mother's authoritarian nature that honed their future as educators.

example sentences with authoritarian

15) Banning and outlawing a denomination that has been in existence since the early years of Islam only gave credence to the prevailing perception of the authoritarian nature of this government .

16) This revolution started in a constitutional way in Lebanon and is continuing in the streets of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Bahrain, given the authoritarian nature of those regimes, he stated.

17) It won't make the authoritarian nature of your orders any less objectionable, but at least they'll be easier to read!)

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