
authoritarian dictatorship in a sentence

1) The Republic gives way to the Spanish State, an authoritarian dictatorship .

2) In effect, an authoritarian dictatorship appeared in Russia but in parallel with parliamentary democracy.

authoritarian collocations
3) Your goal is not to become some authoritarian dictatorship that does not allow for personal expression and loss of self-will.

4) The last authoritarian dictatorship in Western Europe fell in 1975, when Francisco Franco, dictator of Spain, died.

authoritarian dictatorship example sentences

5) After the collapse of their authoritarian dictatorships in the mid-1970s, Spain and Portugal were also admitted to membership.

6) In Southern Europe, a number of right-wing authoritarian dictatorships (most notably in Spain and Portugal) continued to exist.

7) The Brazilian military government was the authoritarian military dictatorship that ruled Brazil from March 31, 1964 to March 15, 1985.

8) After a short civil war, the Federal State of Austria, an authoritarian Christian Social dictatorship, was established in 1934.

9) On one side you have the authoritarian dictatorship in power backed by the radical Islamic dictatorship in Iran which is Shia Moslem .

10) There's a great deal of talk lately about an alleged 'Beijing Consensus' in which repressive authoritarian dictatorships will allegedly guide mixed economies toward global economic domination.

11) The foreign investor may support an authoritarian dictatorship because it protects private property rights and can forcibly increase productivity, according to the University of Pennsylvania.

12) The US Department of State repeatedly criticized the Lukashenko regime, describing it as "a brutal, authoritarian dictatorship that blatantly ignores human rights and fundamental freedoms".

13) The commission has been actively attempting to build an international alliance with countries that have similar historical experiences of civil wars and authoritarian dictatorships .

14) The new Shah introduced many reforms, such as limiting the power of the Shi'a clergy, but also in turn established an authoritarian dictatorship .

example sentences with authoritarian

15) When Sousa Mendes issued these visas and thousands of others, it was a deliberate act of disobedience to the decree of an authoritarian dictatorship .

16) Portugal was ruled by an authoritarian dictatorship, and so was at odds with the principles of liberal democracy that were deeply embedded in the life of the other six.

17) Soon afterwards, however, the liberal state collapsed to social unrest: the Fascists, led by Benito Mussolini, took over and set up an authoritarian dictatorship .

18) The political unrest resulting from these losses led to the establishment of a royal authoritarian dictatorship by tsar Boris III (1918–1943).

19) authoritarian dictatorship has had a long history in Indonesia, and it is difficult to break from these chains when they have been repeatedly established for generations.

20) Zhang Xinyu : "Because China is an authoritarian dictatorship, if a lie is repeated 1,000 times, it may well become a truth.

21) Being Chinese, I could understand the authoritarian dictatorship the communists enacts, but to kill one's own people for political reasons is another issue.

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