
authorise in a sentence

1) What are the authorised airline baggage allowances?

2) The signal unit flag was authorised in 1986.

3) A new night service was apparently soon authorised.

4) They are only available through authorised intermediaries.

authorise example sentences

5) Company is authorised to handle secret material.

6) The rally has been officially authorised and no violence is expected.

7) Therefore it means "no authorised access".

8) Voting machines have been authorised in 2004.

9) This reserve force had not yet reached the authorised size limit.

10) Repair estimates are now routinely provided before work is authorised.

11) There is no complete official list of authorised translations currently available.

12) Only medical professionals are authorised to give medical advice.

13) Our sacred writings and authorised interpretations are available to everybody.

14) Between 1837 and 1841 Parliament authorised seven commercial cemeteries.

example sentences with authorise

15) His war badge had been authorised on 19th August 1917.

16) The form should then be signed and properly authorised.

17) All car hire must be approved by the authorised officer.

18) The manager had expressly authorised the goods to be removed.

19) What is the Difference between authorised and issued share capital?

20) Can a company increase or reduce its authorised share capital?

21) Have the vehicle checked by an authorised workshop immediately.

22) He consulted his authorised persons for the succession.

23) Education committees were authorised to spend money on meals for children.

24) Female police officers were not authorised to take fingerprints until 1937.

25) Candidates were authorised to present themselves in their own name.

26) It is not clear who authorised the surrender.

27) Colonial governors and deputy governors were authorised to grant the pardon.

How to use authorise in a sentence

28) The line was authorised in 1860 and opened in 1863.

29) The policy must be issued by an authorised insurer.

30) I'm bloody authorised and no second thoughts.

31) Ross is already suspended from working as an authorised financial adviser .

32) Each transaction is authorised with a one-time code.

33) The Romans authorised his installation as king.

34) Colour print access can be restricted to authorised users where required.

35) Helios cylinder nets are available from authorised dealers.

36) A revised Hymn Book was authorised in 2003.

37) A feudal baron is authorised two pipers.

38) authorised status requires additional levels of security.

39) PPS is an authorised financial services provider .

40) Financial bills raise revenue and authorise how money is spent.

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