
author list in a sentence

1) Does it list the author's position within this group?

2) Are all authors listed and in the correct order?

author collocations
3) They were asked to list authors who had influenced their work.

4) Please ensure that you list several alternate authors in your application.

author list example sentences

5) None of the authors listed argues that free trade alone causes peace.

6) The first CLEO paper listed 73 authors from eight institutions.

7) The author was listed as a Captain Charles Johnson.

8) author not listed, "The Tennessee Accident.

9) Weede also lists some other authors supporting this view.

10) Some of the most famous authors are listed below with their famous writings.

11) There were a total of twelve authors listed on the two write-ups.

12) All authors are listed for multiple-author studies where this is necessary to demonstrate the point.

13) There were 972 authors listed in an appendix and authorship was assigned to a group.

14) Spell out journal titles fully and list all authors (no em dashes).

example sentences with author

15) The code emphasized authorship, and books by the same author were listed together in the catalog.

16) And in the acknowledgments section, Fahy lists a few authors, and italicizes Crichton.

17) In 1933 "kvinnor och Äppleträd" was published and the author was listed as Moa Martinson.

18) The book listed no author, but the work was by Hoggan, though published without his permission.

19) These "Battlestar Galactica" softcover novelisations were written by Glen A. Larson with the authors listed below.

20) Although listing authors in order of the involvement in the project seems straightforward, it often leads to conflict.

21) The article's lead author was listed as Dr. Jeffrey R. Lisse, a University of Arizona rheumatologist.

22) In mathematics, the authors are usually listed in alphabetical order (this is the so-called Hardy-Littlewood Rule).

23) The first section lists those authors and books which Rowling has suggested as possible influences on "Harry Potter".

24) There is no author listed, so I don't know if he was the guilty party or not.

25) Twelve other authors are listed as having contributed to this volume, including Per Alström, Nigel Collar and Craig Robson.

26) The pinakes contained 120 scrolls arranged into ten subject classes; each class was then subdivided, listing authors alphabetically by titles.

27) After about a month, the subjects again rated the same quotation but with the true author only listed below the quotation.

How to use author in a sentence

28) Discovery Institute Senior Fellows William A. Dembski and Jonathan Wells are the listed authors of this edition, presented as a sequel.

29) One of these papers in fact turns out to list the authors as Clark, Cox and Allison ; The other referred to research carried out in 1944.

30) One copy will go to the entrant who correctly matches extracts to the authors listed (eg 1b, 2e, 3d etc).

31) If there are more than two authors, list the first author followed by et al. rather than listing all of the authors in citations.

32) Therefore, instead of publishing the current type catalogue, we find it better to list the authors of which we are aware of the presence of types in the collections.

33) New: 2010-05 Interactive scatterplot chart of climate authors based on the publication and citation stats for the authors listed here.

34) Books without an author are listed by the first word, excluding "the" and "a" in the title: Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary would go under "W".

35) If you are interested in booking an author who is not listed in the list of participating authors, please contact the author first to ensure that she or he is willing to do the reading.

36) Some people listed cookbooks that really are teaching cookbooks for true beginners, while others listed authors whose recipes are easy to refer to and cook from once you know what you're doing.

37) list every author with their last name (s) and initials for all other names, separating each author with commas, followed by the publication year in brackets.

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in a sentence