
authentication algorithm in a sentence

1) The impact will vary with authentication algorithm used and other factors.

2) Both supported message authentication algorithms are of the HMAC family.

3) Implementations MAY also implement other authentication algorithms .

4) OpenSSL supports a wide range of ciphers and authentication algorithms, of varying strength.

authentication algorithm example sentences

5) If the processing of the authentication algorithm indicates the datagram is valid, then it is accepted.

6) Minimum value is 0 words, which is only used in the degenerate case of a "null" authentication algorithm .

7) The default authentication algorithm is keyed MD5, which, like all symmetric algorithms, cannot provide non-repudiation by itself.

8) Even after a protocol has been defined and deployment has begun, new values may need to be assigned (e.g., for a new option type in DHCP, or a new encryption or authentication algorithm for IPSec).

9) The system is only as strong as the weakest key exchange and authentication algorithm supported, and only trustworthy cryptographic functions should be used.

10) EAP-SIM use a SIM authentication algorithm between the client and an Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) server providing mutual authentication between the client and the network.

11) If an ESP encryption algorithm is specified but the authentication algorithm is not, the default value for the ESP authentication algorithm will be any.

12) If an ESP encryption algorithm is specified but the authentication algorithm is not, the default value for the ESP authentication algorithm will be any.

13) The authentication Header always provides integrity and authentication and can provide non-repudiation if used with certain authentication algorithms (e.g., RSA).

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