
autarky in a sentence

1) International economic structures range from complete autarky to complete market openness.

2) Both countries turned more to economic isolation and autarky.

3) Italy's policy of autarky failed to achieve effective economic autonomy.

4) The latifundia system was largely an impoverished agrarian autarky.

autarky example sentences

5) On foreign trade: The concept of autarky failed.

6) Neither does sovereignty mean autarky or isolationism.

7) The colonies became enjoyed autarchy and autarky.

8) Remember, this is the state of Country A under autarky.

9) Furthermore, such moral conclusions seem to be an argument for autarky.

10) Germany developed a system of autarky.

11) Franco initially pursued a policy of autarky, cutting off almost all international trade.

12) Unlike Italy, however, Germany did not strive to achieve full autarky.

13) The government policy of economic autarky made Guangdong's access to the ocean irrelevant.

14) Idle chatter and gossip are distractions from autarky, logical action, u0026 the upward.

example sentences with autarky

15) Economic self-sufficiency, known as autarky, was a major goal of most fascist governments.

16) Opposed to free trade and autarky, she advocates protectionism as a median way.

17) Hence the relative autarky price of cloth is __FORMULA__ in Home and __FORMULA__ in Foreign.

18) In the thirties, during the period of sanctions, it was an exhibition of autarky.

19) However, these changes–including autarky and nationalization of key industries–had a mixed record.

20) autarky : Coordination between enterprises from different sectors and ministries is notoriously poor in the Soviet Union.

21) Economists take a well-reasoned and dim view of autarky as the path to growth and stability.

22) The city is exceedingly opulent, yet exists in total autarky and does not submit to local authority.

23) Despite a long-standing preference for autarky, China briefly opened up under the Song and Mongol Yuan dynasties.

24) Hence, autarky in production is everyone's aspiration, but an unachievable (and unaffordable) one.

25) The key concepts of Haushofer's Geopolitik were Lebensraum, autarky, pan-regions, and organic borders.

26) However, with heavy state intervention, both economies also became more isolated and expanded under conditions of exceptional autarky.

27) Hitler was aware of the fact that Germany lacked reserves of raw materials, and full autarky was therefore impossible.

How to use autarky in a sentence

28) The reason is that a large open economy has the characteristics of both an autarky and a small open economy.

29) She advocates the implementation of the "autarky of big spaces" and an "economy in concentric circles".

30) In his mind, the state should control international relations, the value of money, and remain an autarky.

31) The policy of economic autarky imposed by the Japanese had resulted in an inflation of the market price of rice.

32) The first two images above assume a state of autarky, which means no trade occurs between the two countries.

33) Legalism, in accordance with Han Fei's interpretation, could encourage the state to be a militaristic autarky.

34) Even the largest and most resource-rich of countries have abandoned autarky to embrace global markets and the opportunities they bring.

35) International trade, investment and emigration collapsed Plans replaced the market; autarky and protection took the place of free trade.

36) The goal is autarky and greater ecological and infrastructural self-reliance through "closed-loop systems" that reduce reliance on external networks.

37) Given the isolation of this region, the inhabitants tend towards self-sufficiency, and until recently lived in almost complete autarky.

38) The Fascist government's economic policy of autarky and a recourse to synthetic materials was not able to meet the demand.

39) He also attempted to turn Italy into a self-sufficient autarky, instituting high barriers on trade with most countries except Germany.

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