
austere style in a sentence

1) Its compact cardboard box is designed in an austere style .

2) The adoption of the austere Renaissance style did not catch on well in Portugal.

austere collocations
3) The segmental arches are typical of the comparatively austere Almohad style of the 13th century.

4) It was built in an austere neoclassical style between 1780 and 1783 for Edward Loveden Townsend.

austere style example sentences

5) The'serene Life Of Microbes' album is kept up in an austere ambient style .

6) What is remarkable about " That Smell," beyond its superbly austere style, is its economy.

7) As building continued into the late 1830s and 1840s, houses reflected an austere Greek Revival style .

8) The facade is in an austere neo-classical style and today serves as the main entrance for the Landtag.

9) His works are noted for their austere style, very slow movement, and often extreme scale in space or in time.

10) A similarly austere portrait style reappeared in the mid-third century AD during a period of prolonged crisis in the administration of the Roman Empire.

11) If Flynn is recalled with genuine affection, there is less love, but undoubted respect, for the more austere style of his Swansea successor Kenny Jackett.

12) On paper this sounds simple to the point of simplistic, but the film's austere visual style, emphasizing empty, lonely spaces, recalls the work of classical Japanese cinema.

13) Its architects, themselves CN employees, gave it a very austere style, with the accent on functionality, comfort and interior decoration.

14) Having worked in the frequently austere style of Maher for a "period of years", Seyfarth was ready to work with traditionally inspired ornament, judiciously applied.

example sentences with austere

15) Friedrichstadt was designed with an unusually austere geometric style for the time, with broad streets which intersected at right angles to each other.

16) Designed by the architects Juan Bautista de Toledo and Juan de Herrera in an austere classical style, and built from 1563 to 1584, it is shaped as a grid in memory of the martyrdom of Saint Lawrence.

17) Indeed, it has frequently been said that Maufe's distinctive and austere style was better suited to the small scale than to a cathedral.

18) Dionysius of Halicarnassus singled out Pindar's work as an outstanding example of austere style () but he noted its absence in the maiden songs or "parthenia".

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