
austere life in a sentence

1) No, it was rather an austere life .

2) They were expected to lead austere, dedicated lives, beyond reproach.

austere collocations
3) His monks lived an austere life of prayer, study and hard work.

4) He lived a very austere life in comparison to the other priests around him.

austere life example sentences

5) It was an austere life .

6) In Moscow he lived an austere life, spending the fund only on political activities.

7) They tried to lead a pious and austere life presently to earn auspicious existence in next birth.

8) Even when he had become the virtual king of Arabia, he lived an austere life bordering on privation.

9) How can an austere life of prayer, which was the central purpose of the community, be assessed?

10) One was the austere life of the hermit, as practiced by Anthony and his followers in lower Egypt.

11) She incorrectly assumes that the marriage has already taken place and resigns herself to an austere life at the convent.

12) The unfortunate women who could not commit or were prevented from Sati were doomed to lead the most austere life .

13) For Michele, that year would be a "Wonderful heaven of peace in beautiful natural surroundings and austere life .

14) Since these tribes lead a very simple and austere life they have very small number of their own genuine, native words.

example sentences with austere

15) St. Bernard was the son of Burgundy nobles who after joining the church, following the Cistercian tradition, became a champion of the austere life .

16) The priest of the parish was her brother, a man in years, of an austere life, and a reputed saint.

17) In reaction to this wealth and power, a reform movement arose which sought a simpler, more austere monastic life in which monks worked with their hands rather than acting as landlords over serfs.

18) Privately, he lived an austere life, refusing to drink alcohol or smoke, and even as President made his own bed, although was also renowned for his mischievous sense of humour.

19) He founded the Order of Friars Preachers (Dominicans) in 1215, a group who live a simple, austere life, and an order of nuns dedicated to the care of young girls.

20) Most ordinary men would have been discouraged, but Pascal took energetically to the austere life of an eastern ascetic, even shedding his western garb for eastern clothing.

21) In the past, a Deshastha widow was never allowed to remarry, while it was acceptable for Deshastha widowers to remarry, and the widows had to lead a very austere life with little joy.

22) With no previous exposure, the introduction of human culture and emotions begins to affect many Zentraedi as the conflict drags on, causing them to rethink their austere lives as soldiers.

23) Ruskin inspired his decision to live an austere life on a commune, at first on the Phoenix Farm in Natal and then on the Tolstoy Farm just outside Johannesburg, South Africa.

24) This most austere life is only granted to the most advanced monastics and only when their superiors feel they are ready for it.

25) Some who have been burned will choose to move away from and insulate themselves from Wall Street's lions den, and just life an austere life, giving up hope that selfish people will ever change.

26) Leading a fairly lonely and rather dull, austere life, and soon becoming aloof, his existence at Brookfield is distant and he is only cooly respected by others.

27) "I could find no other remedy," he said, "than the austere life I have chosen.

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