
auspiciously in a sentence

1) Never was an opera season so auspiciously commenced.

2) His political career thus began auspiciously under this famously modernizing ruler.

auspiciously collocations
3) He was most auspiciously nicknamed "The Champion".

4) The day didn't start out so auspiciously.

auspiciously example sentences

5) The voyage did not begin auspiciously.

6) The new year (1869) opened most auspiciously for them.

7) Amon's first year with Ferrari did not begin auspiciously.

8) Act One begins calmly and auspiciously, including scenes at the Imperial Palace.

9) An hour later, when she auspiciously returned, the whole sad scene played out again.

10) Auspiciously, while out hunting one day, Eragon gets his very own dragon egg.

11) This work, so auspiciously begun a few years ago, has encountered all kinds of difficulties.

12) Beorhtwulf's kingship began auspiciously.

13) Aram auspiciously tells Vartan to be careful, as if hinting to events that will unfold.

14) Then it struck him to approach George Bernard Shaw, whom Pascal had met auspiciously many years earlier.

example sentences with auspiciously

15) October opened auspiciously with Everards looking at the possibility of setting up a brewery in the Falklands.

16) The book begins auspiciously with James VI of Scotland peacefully assuming the title of first King of Great Britain.

17) The O'Brian acquaintance thus auspiciously begun, went on prosperously, and a decided intimacy soon sprung up.

18) Less auspiciously Apple bought a Swedish mapping technology company ( C3) to form the basis of Apple Maps .

19) Valsad, one of the 26 seats of Gujarat, due to this trend is considered auspiciously crucial for political parties.

20) MET LIFE BUILDING- GRAND CENTRAL STATION: Already auspiciously placed buildings, enhancing the power and intelligence of the area.

21) Ruy Gomez was famous for his tact and complacency, and omitted no opportunity of cementing the friendship thus auspiciously commenced.

22) The venerable Sokei Daishi was a veritable udumbara flower who blossomed auspiciously in answer to the prophecies of the Buddhist sages.

23) It begins auspiciously with Purcell's sacred aria The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation, not available elsewhere, but back again at last and doubly valuable because it is handled so beautifully.

24) Things did not start auspiciously (do they ever?): some idiotic flack unwisely exhumed Aerosmith and turned them loose onto the stage for the pre-show.

25) The same furniture enabled their successors to carry forward the work of reformation thus auspiciously begun; and to make great advancement in building upon the scriptural foundation thus laid.

26) Auspiciously, Frazelle had already embarked on a new aesthetic pursuit, involving the incorporation of folk music from his grandmother and great uncle.

27) However, though Dafydd's rule began auspiciously and in "peace and security", there were plots devised to reduce his and his house's influence, both in Gwynedd and over the whole of Wales.

28) The first season of the Springfield Cardinals began auspiciously as they won the Midwest League's Central Division with an 83–53 record, games ahead of the second place Beloit Brewers.

29) The decade began auspiciously with the first meeting of top-10 squads in the history of the rivalry (UF No. 6, FSU No. 8) heading into FSU's 45–30 win in Tallahassee.

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