
auriferous in a sentence

1) Little Squaw Creek drains an area cut by many auriferous veins.

2) Is not our native soil auriferous?

3) The island is adjacent to where the highly auriferous Adelong Creek enters the Murrumbidgee.

4) Columbia, thirty Chinese coins in the auriferous sand, twenty-five feet below the surface.

auriferous example sentences

5) Trask, GeoL, pointed to auriferous signs from Soquel to Point Ano Nuevo.

6) Tunnels were also numerous along the auriferous belt, whose rich veins revived the droop ing prospects of many a camp.

7) On 8 August 1851 an auriferous deposit of gold was found 3 kilometres west of Buninyong, Victoria, near Ballarat.

8) Equally feeble were the prospects in Mendocino, but in the adjoining Trinity county the auriferous Sierra Nevada again revealed itself.

9) The veins are characterized by quartz, sulphide (auriferous arsenopyrite) and native gold (visible gold flakes have historically been observed in several slate belts).

10) This study has been done in twenty growing places of basin 21 from dividing the auriferous basins of north forests of country in natural beech stands.

11) Tourists can find there a large sample of mineral stones common in Bolivar state, as auriferous quartz, rose quartz, slate, iron, marble, bauxite, silicon, jet and ruffe, among others.

12) Gold - Although no gold mines has been discovered in the district, the sands of Alaknanda and the Pinddar are said to be auriferous to a limited extent.

13) At Glenhead and Moorbrock Hill, adjacent to the Loch Doon granodiorite (MRP 48; MEG 261), and in the Leadhills area, quartz veins and disseminated arsenopyrite zones are auriferous (MEG 230 and 260).

14) Not all the quartz veins are auriferous and the Tyndrum Main Vein, previously worked for lead and zinc, does not carry significant gold.

example sentences with auriferous

15) On the Yuba it ascends again, several spots reported by Whitney, auriferous Gravels, giving from 910 to 950, with a few also below 900.

16) Assay upon assay demonstrated that California ore was ten to a hundred fold richer than well-paying lodes abroad, and exploration revealed that auriferous rock existed throughout the state.

17) Beyond this another barren expanse intervened till the approach once more of the auriferous Sierra Nevada became apparent in the rich earth and rock of Trinity and adjoining counties.

18) Cal., Dec. 7, 1854; Fresno Expositor, June 22, 1870; LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO. 379 the auriferous strata nearer to the ocean, although in greatly attenuated form.

19) Eastward, the auriferous bodies passed into Mono county, beyond the Sierra Nevada, but the limited placers round Mono- ville were soon exhausted, and elsewhere the prospect was poor.

20) Union, 1854-6; AUa Cal. y 1852-6, passim. 25 The auriferous belt turns here and runs more directly north and south.

21) The United States coveted the auriferous provinces

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