aura of invincibility in a sentence
1) But that aura of invincibility has suddenly taken quite a few hard knocks .
2) He had a tremendous presence, an aura of invincibility that was both intimidating and impressive.
aura collocations
3) Irreparable damage was done to both Villa's military power and his critical aura of invincibility.
4) Barring the fake blood oozing from his temple, there's an aura of invincibility around him.
aura of invincibility example sentences
5) By breaking the sequence of victories it damaged the aura of invincibility acquired by Clinton since Super Tuesday.6) Standard Oil had gained an aura of invincibility, always prevailing against competitors, critics, and political enemies.
7) Most historians also consider the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains as decisively important, crippling Attila by destroying his aura of invincibility.
8) Bruce passes the mantle of Batman to Grayson so he can re-evaluate what it will take to restore his aura of invincibility.
9) The champion in Serena will out no matter how unfit or under-prepared she is but this aura of invincibility had not reckoned for Stosur having one the best days of her life.
10) They soon achieved an aura of invincibility and terror, where both civilians and soldiers were struck with fear, and started fleeing as soon as the planes were spotted.
11) His bravado and flamboyant behaviour only added to his growing aura of invincibility and power in the urban legends of the Cleveland criminal underworld.
12) The Swedish army had suffered a crushing defeat and, particularly as a result of their defeat at Fehrbellin, lost their hitherto perceived aura of invincibility.
13) However, his aura of invincibility has begun to fade as the continued siege of K'Vaern's Cove has made the tribes restive and who wish to finish the Cove off and return home.
14) The win meant Arsenal had gone half the season without losing and the team according to "The Times" had begun to "establish an aura of invincibility".
example sentences with aura
15) The patronage and defacto immunity from legal action offered to him by the RJD government gradually made him a law unto himself and gave him an aura of invincibility.16) But it was the crudely decisive invasion of the palace itself that was most momentous; the attack removed forever the aura of invincibility that once cloaked the monarchy.
17) At first, his men were fearful of engaging the barbarians, because of their aura of invincibility after Abrittus, but Aemilianus' leadership steadied them.
18) Despite having what sportswriters deemed an "aura of invincibility" in the postseason, Rivera failed to close out the decisive Game 7 of the 2001 World Series against the Arizona Diamondbacks.
19) In the minds of the PÄkeha public, von Tempsky was a dashing hero of the New Zealand wars, whose fearlessness and ability to survive near-misses gave him an aura of invincibility.
20) Though the US went undefeated on its way to the gold medal, the team began to lose its aura of invincibility for the first time.
21) And it's no surprise–after their Super Bowl slaughtering, everyone will tune in to see if the Hawks' aura of invincibility can be broken.
22) For all that, though, he faces a long, hard road to travel if he is ever to regain the aura of invincibility he once enjoyed.
23) The increase in competitiveness has to do with better tactical discipline, faster and more physical game, and big teams not having that aura of invincibility about them.
24) " The incident did much to create an aura of invincibility around the man, but to those in the Packer inner sanctum, Kerry was more often loving and generous than formidable.
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