
auk in a sentence

1) Great auks began pairing in early and mid May.

2) A captive auk was observed making a gurgling noise when anxious.

3) Auk. vol 86, no 1.

4) This bird is a member of the auk family.

auk example sentences

5) This arrangement was originally based on analyses of auk morphology and ecology.

6) auk 'wrecks' can occur in a hard winter.

7) Polar bears preyed on nesting colonies of the auk.

8) Generally the commonest auk, with a long straight unmarked bill.

9) Images of the great auk have been found in bone necklaces.

10) Misfortune, however, seemed determined to stalk "Auk".

11) The auk 118(1): 191-210.

12) Where had our gull and our auk spent the summer?

13) On land, it has the typical upright stance of an auk.

14) The auk's calls included low croaking and a hoarse scream.

example sentences with auk

15) The Auk. vol 113, no 1. p. 218.

16) I heard the auks went extinct.

17) Great auk pairs mated for life.

18) Auk. vol 103, no 1. p. 52-60.

19) Auk. vol 123, no 1. p. 23-32.

20) Auk. vol 102, no 1. p. 187-190.

21) Auk. vol 101, no 2. p. 221-229.

22) Auk. vol 88, no 1. p. 185-186.

23) Auk. vol 120, no 1. p. 171-179.

24) Auk. vol 95, no 2. p. 235-246.

25) Auk. vol 101, no 1. p. 155-158.

26) Examples include albatross, penguins, gannets, and auks.

27) Auk. vol 85, no 1. pp. 127–128.

How to use auk in a sentence

28) Auk. vol 121, no 2. pp. 435–445.

29) Auk. vol 91, no 2. pp. 348–359.

30) Auk. vol 95, no 1. pp. 161–167.

31) Auk. vol 120, no 2. pp. 457–465.

32) Auk. vol 113, no 2. pp. 288–299.

33) The Auk. vol 121, no 3. p. 788.

34) Auk. vol 94, no 1. pp. 18–27.

35) Auk. vol 99, no 1. pp. 148–156.

36) Auk. vol 116, no 1. pp. 35–44.

37) Auk. vol 100, no 1. pp. 180–187.

38) Auk. vol 118, no 1. pp. 256–260.

39) Auk. vol 97, no 3. pp. 509–520.

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