
augmentation in a sentence

1) A common question asked by women is natural breast augmentation possible?

2) The results of breast augmentation are immediately visible.

augmentation collocations
3) Other methods of breast augmentation became obsolete.

4) There are multiple ways to perform sinus augmentation.

augmentation example sentences

5) She had breast augmentation surgery in 1993.

6) She had breast augmentation surgery in late 1999.

7) Breast augmentation is a very popular procedure.

8) I had a tummy tuck and breast augmentation.

9) Your plastic surgeon will carefully explain your breast augmentation procedure.

10) Resource augmentation is also known as contracting.

11) She reportedly underwent breast implants and even lip augmentation.

12) Since 1968 scientists have been creating sensory substitution and augmentation devices.

13) F–4 augmentation forces were released in September 1973.

14) In such a case, augmentation is often recommended.

example sentences with augmentation

15) That's still not possible without augmentation.

16) The battery, already powerful, is undergoing daily augmentation.

17) A stability and control augmentation system improves handling characteristics during manual flight.

18) Bilateral breast augmentation is breast augmentation on both breasts.

19) Bilateral breast augmentation is breast augmentation on both breasts.

20) Some TS women have breast augmentation with liquid silicone injections.

21) Your diet could help to complement the natural breast augmentation process.

22) However, the wing kept its air defense augmentation responsibility.

23) The term refers to a general technique of augmentation.

24) Breast augmentation does not however correct sagging breasts.

25) They include switching medication, augmentation, and combination.

26) A particular kind of augmentation concerns baronets.

27) Such augmentations are rare and signal honours.

How to use augmentation in a sentence

28) Facet augmentation returned a few seconds later.

29) Imagine seeing those augmentations change your character .

30) Another option for diminishing the velopharyngeal port is posterior wall augmentation.

31) The augmentation results from fat transplantation are extremely effective in filling depressions.

32) Lip augmentation is an extremely common procedure in cosmetic surgery.

33) The most common procedures are liposuction and breast augmentation .

34) I even thought of breast augmentation, on many occasions.

35) I had a mini lift and augmentation in Sept 2013.

36) augmentation is the process of facilitating further labour.

37) Your site has helped me decide not to get breast augmentation.

38) The stability augmentation system also required much fine-tuning.

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