
auditory nerve in a sentence

1) Both parameters are carried by each fiber of the auditory nerve .

2) The movement triggers the cell to discharge electricity through the auditory nerve .

auditory collocations
3) Patients without a viable auditory nerve are usually identified during the candidacy process.

4) Fluid and small hairs in the inner ear stimulate the auditory nerve .

auditory nerve example sentences

5) The electrode array then sends these sound signals to the auditory nerve .

6) Regenerated auditory nerves using gene therapy (top), control below.

7) For hearing, cochlear implants are used to stimulate the auditory nerve directly.

8) The devices are designed for people who still have a functioning auditory nerve 6 .

9) Peptides called neurotrophins can encourage regeneration of the neurons in the auditory nerve .

10) Neural degeneration has been found in the auditory nerve, brainstem, and cortex.

11) It is at this precise point, the auditory nerve, which develops acoustic neuroma.

12) The auditory nerve, also called the cochlear nerve, transmits sound to the brain.

13) He maintained that upon perception the sound reaches the auditory nerve, brainstem and thalamus.

14) These components are then coded independently on the auditory nerve which transmits sound information to the brain.

example sentences with auditory

15) Our ears don't actually hear sounds; they react to stimuli that affect the auditory nerves .

16) Scientists have used bionic ear technology to restore a person's hearing by regrowing their auditory nerves .

17) The auditory nerve then leads to several layers of synapses at numerous nuclei in the auditory brainstem.

18) The jawbone acts like a conduit, transmitting the sounds to the ear canal and auditory nerves .

19) It becomes obvious why hearing loss is correlated with auditory signals failing to get transmitted along the auditory nerve .

20) The animals were first given a drug in one ear that caused deafness by damaging the auditory nerves .

21) Cochlear implants are surgically implanted devices that directly stimulate the auditory nerve in the inner ear with electrical stimulation.

22) The external system receives sound, processes it and sends electrical signals to the receiver near the auditory nerve .

23) The hair cells in the cochlea release neurotransmitter as a result, causing action potentials down the auditory nerve .

24) The axons of the auditory nerve originate from the hair cells of the cochlea in the inner ear.

25) If the auditory nerve becomes damaged then the affected person will become completely deaf in one or both ears.

26) I have total loss in my left ear (damaged auditory nerve caused by mumps at age 10).

27) The sound segmentation system is based on an engineering abstraction of the functionality of the cochlea and auditory nerve .

How to use auditory in a sentence

28) The first attempts to restore hearing by electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve were made in France in 1957.

29) A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted electronic device that directly stimulates the functioning auditory nerves in the inner ear.

30) These studies have measured the output of the auditory nerve (AN), with and without OCB stimulation.

31) The vibrations are changed into nerve signals in the inner ear and carried to the brain by the auditory nerve .

32) Are you directly stimulating my auditory nerves or my brain?" MY POWER IS BEYOND YOUR PETTY REASONING.

33) It captures sound with a microphone and then stimulates the auditory nerve through electrodes, allowing the brain to approximate hearing.

34) The inner ear contains the balance mechanism, the cochlea, and connects directly via the auditory nerve to the brain.

35) Children without a working auditory nerve may be helped with a cochlear implant, although the results may not be optimal.

36) This creates a signal in the auditory nerves which are interpreted by our brain as the pleasing notes of an orchestra.

37) The auditory nerve was also large, suggesting good hearing, which may have been useful for auditory communication and spatial awareness.

38) These waves are then converted by the cochlea into electrical signals, which are sent along the auditory nerve to the brain.

39) Slowly, but surely, it will take greater sound levels to adequately stimulate the auditory nerve that leads to your brain.

40) For example, people whose auditory nerves are damaged may benefit as scientists explore how to stimulate auditory feedback pathways in the human brain that are important for speech learning.

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