
auditing standard in a sentence

1) Kay has participated in various activities involving professional auditing standards .

2) It's a suite of the core auditing standards .

auditing collocations
3) Which of the following categories is included in generally accepted auditing standards ?

4) However, they may help you understand and apply certain auditing standards .

auditing standard example sentences

5) In 1987, the National Audit Office introduced its own auditing standards .

6) Updating auditing standard The auditing standard as written: 1.

7) The auditing standard on communications between the auditor and audit committee should be expanded.

8) D. Should refuse the engagement because of a departure from generally accepted auditing standards .

9) D. A client-imposed scope limitation prevents the auditor from complying with generally accepted auditing standards .

10) What is the general character of the three generally accepted auditing standards classified as general standards?

11) Accordingly, financial auditing standards and methods have tended to change significantly only after auditing failures.

12) Are you conforming to auditing standards and can you provide a Service Organization Control Report?

13) In order to accomplish this goal, auditors should go further than simply adhering to auditing standards .

14) Which of the following best describes what is meant by the term "generally accepted auditing standards "?

example sentences with auditing

15) They are audited (or reviewed) annually by an accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards .

16) We conducted this performance audit from September 2009 to July 2010 in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards .

17) As a common auditing standard, the ISO 19011 standard explains how to combine this with quality management.

18) If non-audit fees are substantial in retaliation to audit fees suspicions will arise that auditing standards may be compromised.

19) Hark, CPA, negligently failed to follow generally accepted auditing standards in auditing Long Corporation's financial statements.

20) As of August 2013, the PCAOB has issued 16 auditing standards, including a broad suite of risk-assessment standards.

21) D - Generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) treat popular financial reports as summary financial information (SFI).

22) When total annual gross income exceeds $500,000, these statements should be audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards .

23) Which of the following elements underlies the application of generally accepted auditing standards, particularly the standards of fieldwork and reporting?

24) The financial audit, conducted according to generally accepted auditing standards, is designed to test compliance with generally accepted accounting principles.

25) This paragraph also states that the audit was performed in accordance with the country's prevailing generally accepted auditing standards and regulations.

26) Auditors performing sampling in a single audit environment should also refer to the underlying auditing standard on sampling, AU-C section 530.

27) To do this, Mr Foong would have had to know valuation guidelines in accordance with national auditing standards, he said.

28) The required audit of those financial statements must be by an independent public accountant and meet with requirements of U.S. generally accepted auditing standards ("U.S. GAAS").

29) The CPA can apply generally accepted auditing standards, or GAAS, to evaluate whether such controls are adequate and recommend corrective measures.

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