
auditing program in a sentence

1) However, it's apparent that any compliance and auditing program is not having any real effect.

2) Following the 2013 survey, we contacted Visa and MasterCard for an update on their compliance and auditing programs .

auditing collocations
3) The provider should be compliant with security-oriented laws and auditing programs, including SSAE-16 (previously SAS 70).

4) If a bank has no external auditing program, the examiner should review the minutes to determine the reasons for this choice.

auditing program example sentences

5) In a column at the start of the year, I contended that auditing records management programs should be one of your top dozen priorities for 2007.

6) The company's sound auditing program continues to employ multiple levels of control to maintain a sound servicing infrastructure and mitigate potential risk.

7) A strong internal audit program is fundamental to the safety and soundness of a bank, but it is usually not a sufficient reason for the lack of an external auditing program .

8) As with deficiencies in an internal auditing program, any scope weaknesses in the bank's external auditing program should be commented on in the examination report.

9) As with deficiencies in an internal auditing program, any scope weaknesses in the bank's external auditing program should be commented on in the examination report.

10) When warranted, the examiner's comments and recommendations with respect to the adequacy of a bank's external auditing program should also be presented.

11) Ideally, such a program would consist of a full-time, continuous program of internal audit coupled with a well-planned external auditing program .

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