
audit book in a sentence

1) Farm audits booked through MAESTRO cost $1,500, so the cost to the farmer would be only $500; home audits cost $500, so the cost to the farmer would be only $250.

2) In 2006, a researcher in Devon discovered a recipe for a pasty tucked inside an audit book and dated 1510, calculating the cost of the ingredients.

audit collocations
3) Following the Rs5,600 crore payment crisis in National Spot Exchange Ltd (NSEL), last December, commodity market regulator Forward Markets Commission had appointed PwC for auditing books of MCX.

4) The CML drew attention to the initiative of the Law Society of Scotland in providing assistance to those firms of accountants responsible for auditing books of Scottish solicitors.

audit book example sentences

5) Aberystwyth: Green audit book Chapters

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