
audion in a sentence

1) The audion had yet to cast its pale glow upon radio scenery.

2) He called his diode an 'audion'.

3) But the voltages here are enormously higher than those in the audion.

4) De Forest did not understand the workings of his Audion.

audion example sentences

5) De Forest made the "audion tube" from a vacuum tube.

6) The audion is considered the first triode.

7) Meanwhile De Forest had developed the audion tube an electronic amplifier device.

8) The audion did have a strong allure for teenage experimenters, however.

9) In the audion the flux current ordinarily ranges from 1 to 5 milliamperes.

10) The audion, therefore, is tremendously more sensitive and available in practical wireless.

11) De Forest was interested in wireless telegraphy and invented the audion in 1906.

12) The audion has the further advantage of entire absence of adjustment in the receiver itself.

13) The principles involved in its operation are much the same as for the flame audion.

14) If you are asking about the audion tube I haven't the faintest idea.

example sentences with audion

15) This latter type or audion is the one I have found most serviceable in practice.

16) The audions are Lighted When the Coin is Deposited in the Slot.

17) This gave AT u0026T rights to use and build the audion except for wireless telegraphy.

18) This early form of audion, the flame receiver, was remarkably sensitive to weak high-frequency oscillations.

19) Lee De Forest had an interest in wireless telegraphy and he invented the audion in 1906.

20) This book details Lee De Forest's activities from the invention of the audion to 1930.

21) The audions sometimes worked extremely well; at other times they would barely work at all.

22) This audion Detector is provided with brackets so that it can be screwed to a table.

23) What it didn't include was a clear explanation of how the audion was supposed to work.

24) audion – a vacuum tube used to amplify weak electric signals invented by Lee De Forest in 1906.

25) Armstrong later published a paper detailing how the audion worked, something De Forest could not do.

26) Amplification – The Vitaphone system used electronic amplification based on Lee De Forest's audion tube.

27) Armstrong's research and experimentation with the audion moved radio reception beyond the crystal set and spark-gap transmitters.

How to use audion in a sentence

28) The audion was an electronic amplifying vacuum tube invented by American electrical engineer Lee De Forest in 1906.

29) A significant invention, which later had a profound effect on electronic music, was the audion in 1906.

30) The plate on the front of the receiver in part reads: DE FOREST audion TIME RECEIVER.

31) In 1906, Lee De Forest brought out a vacuum tube device which he called the "audion".

32) Armstrong in a sense showed de Forest how the audion works and what it can be used for.

33) The pliotron and other detectors and oscillators are increasing in numbers with the audion, particularly for beat reception.

34) The book concludes with a discussion of de Forest's audion and the shift from wireless telegraphy to radio.

35) These variation layers at the electrodes of the audion make still more striking its similarity with the cathode-ray tube.

36) Also, Armstrong discovered that Lee De Forest's audion would go into oscillation when feedback was increased.

37) Long analysis of the action within the audion tube suggested to him that it might be used to greater effect.

38) Thus, the audion could not only detect and amplify radio signals, it could transmit them as well.

39) American engineer Lee De Forest invented the world's first amplifying vacuum tube, called the "audion tube".

40) One Step audion Amplifier.

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