
audio visual in a sentence

1) Ready to start enjoying your audio visual system?

2) Telecash plc telecast limited telecast audio visual services limited.

audio collocations
3) It is an audio or audio visual installation.

4) audio visual and video about aspects of medieval life.

audio visual example sentences

5) Equally, an audio visual synchronization animation was also broadcast hourly.

6) Puskat started life in 1969 producing audio visuals for religious education.

7) This audio visual, ah I apologize for that.

8) Test the audio visual equipment and have backup systems in place.

9) audio visual and self-guided tours are available daily.

10) That's the way a professional audio visual installation should be!

11) He has won international awards for creativity in audio visual and print production.

12) Equipment, including tables, chairs, and audio visual needs.

13) Take an audio visual tour and explore the winding tunnels and large chambers.

14) K Road has recently re-emerged as a film and audio visual precinct.

example sentences with audio

15) Our large theater features audio visual capability for the latest in multi-media presentations.

16) audio visual and special effects will allow visitors to realistically experience life at sea.

17) The castle has a visitor centre, with audio visual displays and hands-on items.

18) It is a package of resource material combining audio visual material and structured learning activities .

19) BAC testing machines can be purchased now with audio visual Messaging capabilities.

20) Education in audio visual techniques should be considered as disciplines in their own right.

21) The project was initiated by artists interested in collaboratively authoring multi-threaded audio visual works.

22) audio visuals and many other exhibits.

23) Visitors are introduced to this wonderful historical house by a specially commissioned audio visual presentation.

24) Identify criteria for evaluating resource materials such as software, textbooks, and audio visuals.

25) It also offers courses in audio visual production, including video, and public relations.

26) Full audio visual services available.

27) audio visual pros need more .

How to use audio in a sentence

28) The word Avex is an acronym of the English words audio visual Expert.

29) But nowadays there are many opportunities for livening up your presentation with audio visual aids.

30) Items covered include books, study packs, audio visual materials and resources available in Spanish.

31) There is also a range of audio visual equipment available to hire for events and functions.

32) LVPEI's Central audio visual Unit (CAVU) made the video.

33) The top industry manufacturers will present to provide professional advice and discuss any future audio visual projects.

34) Three practical sessions are planned during the courses, covering photography, colour printing and audio visual.

35) Broadcast and audio visual Branch .

36) The main level includes the main circulation desk and audio visual, and the Testing Center.

37) George Brown McLaughlin, Lately audio visual Technician, University of Aberdeen.

38) OMR manages the FCC Daily Digest, website, and audio visual Center.

39) Higher Technologist, audio visual Evidential Analysis, Metropolitan Police Service.

40) Knowledge development guided by an Instructor in our air-conditioned classrooms equipped with modern audio visual aids.

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in a sentence