
audio version in a sentence

1) The audio version is meant as a healing meditation.

2) audio version is "Cat Dance" string performance.

audio collocations
3) I am doing this "read" through via the audio version.

4) I don't recommend the audio version, though.

audio version example sentences

5) audio versions with lyrics are also easy to find on YouTube .

6) The next two exercises are essentially audio versions of the previous two.

7) I'm getting audio versions of the Slashdot stories.

8) You can also request for the audio version of any textbook .

9) The music for the audio version was composed by John Bauers.

10) This is not an audio version.

11) In 1990 Recorded Books published an unabridged audio version of the books.

12) I listened to the audio version; the readers did a wonderful job.

13) I would never get coverage of all those books without the audio version .

14) Aykroyd also read the introduction for the audio version of the book.

example sentences with audio

15) The audio versions of Eckhart Tolle's work are even better.

16) Accompanying the books are CDs containing narrated audio versions of the English texts.

17) ABKCO will release the audio version .

18) Burton is on the audio version of ' by Christopher Paul Curtis.

19) The authoritative record of IEEE Spectrum's audio programming is the audio version.

20) The audio version of Blues Highway Blues also includes one of those songs .

21) The audio version of RUNNER was read by Raúl Esparza.

22) I found the audio version of the power of now in my library.

23) In 1994, the abridged audio versions of the books were published in cassette form.

24) Full text and audio version of "Cross of Gold" at History Matters.

25) DVD version includes MP3 audio version ready for your iPod or other MP3 player.

26) An audio version read by the author was released by Berkshire Media Artists in 2003.

27) Bram Stoker Online Full text, PDF and audio versions of "Dracula".

How to use audio in a sentence

28) Try getting an audio version of the Psalms and playing it on your commute home.

29) Pocket-sized and audio versions of "General Ignorance" went on sale the following year.

30) I recommend grabbing the audio version if you can because Roy Dotrice is a champ!

31) The audio version of "The Economist" is produced by the production company Talking Issues.

32) Oakhill Publishing Unlimited produced an audio version of "The Mob" in July 2007.

33) In 1979, the BBC released a condensed audio version of the serial as an LP.

34) Please try to match the 2 words shown in the window, or try the audio version.

35) Cleese narrated the audio version of C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters".

36) There are also hundreds of audio versions which can be found on unofficial Led Zeppelin bootleg recordings.

37) The only known survivor from Cædmon's oeuvre is his "Hymn" (audio version).

38) An audio version of Book 1 of War and Peace (other books are available through links).

39) However, I do have a problem with it being an AUTOPLAYING audio version of the story.

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in a sentence