
audio playback in a sentence

1) Most multitrackers also provide audio playback capability.

2) The U5 had a 24-hour continuous audio playback time.

audio collocations
3) Next screen shows you audio playback.

4) Imagine a high speed cable network that allows audio playback of MP3 music!

audio playback example sentences

5) Note that this usually affects the synthesizer as well as audio playback.

6) Improved audio playback and recording device routing in the Preferences audio tab .

7) The asys_preamble function is called once, at the start of audio playback.

8) The use of multitrack audio playback enhanced the experience and provided for surround sound.

9) Speed up or slow down the audio playback to better enhance study and increase comprehension .

10) Fifth generation home console systems also developed specialised streaming formats and containers for compressed audio playback.

11) Enjoy up to 5 hours of uninterrupted audio playback, then charge the battery afterwards.

12) Some pitch tracking software also allows the scanned note lists to be animated during audio playback.

13) It also has controls for audio playback on top and is available now for $ 249.99.

14) The rechargeable lithium-ion battery has a life span of up to 15 hours of continuous audio playback.

example sentences with audio

15) The CW200 had audio playback capabilities, an FM radio and voice recording through a built-in microphone.

16) Additionally, it can sustain up to 10 hours of video playback or 40 hours of audio playback.

17) The battery lasted for approx. 24 hours on audio playback and approx. 5 hours on video playback.

18) His 1979 prototype was capable of approximately one hour of audio playback but it did not enter commercial production.

19) Battery Life Sony claims that the Walkman NWZ-B 172's battery is capable of 18 hours audio playback.

20) Windows Media Player replaced an earlier application called Media Player, adding features beyond simple video or audio playback.

21) audio playback did not really match the standards they claimed and the battery conked off in about 35 hours .

22) Tapping on any of the words in the story will result in audio playback of that individual word .

23) Works incorporating technology requiring more than basic audio playback from CD or laptop must be presented in the MEIT.

24) The use of the cache can significantly speed up the audio playback speed, to reach a better experience.

25) GOM audio was designed to be the audio playback answer to the popular GOM Media Player video playback software.

26) Modems with voice or answering-machine capabilities support a superset of these commands to enable digital audio playback and recording.

27) Interactive applications demand latencies of a few milliseconds; audio playback applications work best with several hundred milliseconds of latency.

How to use audio in a sentence

28) Rockbox substantially improves battery life and adds features such as parametric EQ, completely gapless playback and AAC audio playback.

29) Due to the varying nature of gameplay, the music present was designed to use the game's dynamic audio playback engine.

30) The 8-Track tape standard, promoted by Bill Lear in the early 1960s, popularized consumer audio playback in automobiles.

31) Most modems also accept a sequence of DLE + CAN (cancel) as a signal to "cancel" audio playback.

32) His innovative audio playback system was to include the technical solutions necessary to bring Auro-3D to the market while staying within the existing standards.

33) Sometimes there is a pop or crackle in the audio playback and I've actually had the audio stutter a time or two.

34) They can also play video continuously for 10 hours; meanwhile, both i - Phones will also last for 40 hours during continuous audio playback.

35) This did seem necessary (at least in my system) for the USB audio to work without audio recording gaps; audio playback performance was not affected with or without these settings.

36) There is a short final commentary by Glen Ford, "Black Agenda Report on the Privatization of Education" (at the 49 minute 20 second mark of the MP3 audio playback).

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