
audio interview in a sentence

1) audio interview with "The Guardian".

2) Here's an audio interview with her.

audio collocations
3) The project integrates audio interviews into cellphone-based tours.

4) You can also listen to all our current audio interviews here .

audio interview example sentences

5) Extensive audio interviews recorded in 1976 formed the basis of the text.

6) We are seeking funding to transcribe all our audio interviews with composers.

7) Hitchcock audio interviews - Two audio interviews with the director are included.

8) Hitchcock audio interviews - Two audio interviews with the director are included.

9) audio interviews - Two lengthy interviews!

10) audio interview with Oran resident about life in Oran.

11) Johnny Guitar Watson audio interview at the Internet Archive.

12) Do you have transcripts of your audio interviews you can send me?

13) He also includes some audio interviews with the principals later in their lives.

14) He has two audio interviews on gaming bartenders, waitresses and shooter girls.

example sentences with audio

15) In-depth audio interview with David Easter (Pete Callan).

16) audio interview with "Electric Politics" June 16, 2006, 98 minutes.

17) Thursday October 2009 audio interview about government terrorism, individual liberty and foreign war policies.

18) audio interview with Leigh Blackmore as President of Australian Horror Writers Association.

19) Listen to upcoming episodes of the interview show for a full audio interview with the band!

20) When Lydon had accumulated about 25 audio interviews, Winer gradually released them as a new RSS feed.

21) Traprock provides many free audio interviews, photo resources and written documents that can be viewed at its site.

22) For the audio interview with the Director and Ashleigh Ball please click on the link(s) below.

23) Be sure to share the STT audio interview Series with coaches, trainers, parents, and athletes too.

24) The exhibition explores the experiences of individuals and families who migrated from Nigeria to Europe through photography and audio interviews.

25) The audio interviews section includes "direct from Salzburg" conversations with Andrews, Plummer, and Peggy Wood.

26) The KWN audio interview with John Embry is available now and you can listen to it by CLICKING HERE.

27) I'm normally transcribing my audio interviews for my blog but this time around, I can go one better.

How to use audio in a sentence

28) Nevertheless, in a later 1970 audio interview Young reported that other veterans told him afterwards there had been false surrender.

29) audio interview from "Ideas:How to think about science", Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2 January 2008.

30) In response to these attacks, Webb created a web site that contained primary documents, transcripts, and audio interviews.

31) Recording hours of audio interviews capturing participant's first experiences and impression of Glass might not be a bad idea either.

32) A downloadable audio interview with Pete Best about his work with the Beatles and the path his life has taken since.

33) Welcome to SAA's Podcasts - audio interviews with doctors and experts, as well as presentations from past educational seminars.

34) The SMARTER Team Training audio interview Series has been developed to share insights from some of the best in the industry .

35) BBC audio interviews From the BBC archives, listen to film directors from Robert Altman to Alfred Hitchcock to Martin Scorsese.

36) audio interviews Adams said detectives chiefly questioned him about audio-taped interviews that IRA veterans gave to a Boston College oral history project.

37) I am now handing over a list of audio interviews I intend to be donating to the Archives, plus this film.

38) There is a QuickTime movie that features a replica of Kitty hawk in flight as well as audio interviews and a bibliography.

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in a sentence