
audio device in a sentence

1) The audio input from the audio device is discarded.

2) USB audio device class support is present from Windows 98 SE onwards.

audio collocations
3) It provides a better look-and-feel, mimicking audio devices.

4) Finally, they're rendered on the audio device.

audio device example sentences

5) Different sounds can be redirected to different audio devices as well.

6) All three of these new audio devices will ship this month .

7) On the Lync – Options dialog box, click audio device .

8) There are many types of audio devices are available to the public these days.

9) The audio data can be played through an audio device or stored on disk.

10) The Unimodem Half-Duplex audio device Properties window opens. 3.

11) USB audio devices support GFX (Global Effects Filters).

12) Panasonic has announced pricing and availability for the new HC Series personal audio devices .

13) Bluetooth wireless streaming - one button pairing, with up to 8 audio devices.

14) I don't know what audio device to specify for Windows VMs.

example sentences with audio

15) Under audio device, next to Microphone, drag the slider and speak.

16) Perhaps this is due to the very limited capabilities of the Thinkpad's audio device.

17) Skype and other similar applications can use any of a notebook's installed audio devices.

18) Frontier Silicon-based connected audio devices.

19) The input on the second channel is passed-through to the applications and audio device outputs unchanged.

20) Even though you may not know it, almost every audio device has a built-in DAC!

21) Connect your PC or Mac via USB and it will show as an audio device.

22) It also produces speakers, headphones, power strips, mobile accessories and audio devices for automobiles.

23) The story of how the Battle of Antep is narrated with audio devices and chronological panels.

24) By contractual arrangement, the British Thomas Dolby could not produce or endorse any audio devices.

25) Windows Vista also allows controlling system-wide volume or volume of individual audio devices and individual applications separately.

26) In 1980, William O'Neil constructed an electronic audio device called "The Spiricom.

27) Download audio (.mp3 file you can listen to on a portable audio device).

How to use audio in a sentence

28) For digital conversion, we use a boring, consumer-grade, eMagic USB1 audio device.

29) Hearing aid technology works with bluetooth to connect to audio devices with a switch of a button.

30) From headphones to portable audio devices Strata provides the most exciting, compelling and best performance audio devices.

31) From headphones to portable audio devices Strata provides the most exciting, compelling and best performance audio devices.

32) Under audio device, next to Speaker or Ringer, drag the slider to adjust the volume.

33) This handy-dandy package comes with six different cables for connecting your iPad to all manner of audio devices .

34) On the audio device tab, click the Check Call Quality button, and follow the instructions.

35) Follow step 2 to reopen the Unimodem Half-Duplex audio device Properties window and click the Properties tab.

36) Next, beneath the Playback tab, the HDMI audio device should be listed and selected as default.

37) Click on the Hardware tab, highlight the Unimodem Half-Duplex audio Device, and click Properties.

38) You can change the audio device that you use for your Lync 2010 calls at any time.

39) Summary: audio Nomad is a cross-disciplinary exploring location-aware, mobile audio devices for augmented audio reality systems.

40) If My audio device Has These Built In Already Why Would I Buy One?

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