
audio broadcast in a sentence

1) Slideshows, which may be synchronised with audio broadcasts.

2) For audio broadcasts to be possible electronic detection and amplification devices had to be incorporated.

audio collocations
3) You could also see and hear live video and audio broadcasts of the Brain Opera performances.

4) During these shows, the band introduced new innovations in the audio broadcast of their live performance.

audio broadcast example sentences

5) Digital cable also typically includes a range of audio broadcast services such as Galaxie and Max Trax.

6) Listen to live audio broadcasts of every regular season game and watch the live broadcasts of all NFL Network games.

7) The Defenders also produced their own audio broadcasts of all 12 games and produced outstanding broadcasts for AmericaOne internet pay-per-view video.

8) TMC allows silent delivery of dynamic information suitable for reproduction or display in the user's language without interrupting audio broadcast services.

9) Both direct broadcast satellite (DBS) and digital audio broadcast (DAB) systems transmit various forms of digitally modulated signals.

10) Podcast audio broadcast available on the Web to the public for free downloading to a personal computer or a digital audio player.

11) The System D television channels R4 and R5 lie wholly or partly within the 87.5–108 MHz FM audio broadcast band.

12) Sandra Kiume of Channel N offers an audio broadcast of an interview with Vaughan Bell of Mind Hacks focused on internet therapy.

13) And so the RIAA, the music business's trade and lobbying group, has asked the Federal Communications Commission to step in and impose an "audio broadcast flag" on certain forms of digital radio.

14) Barhouse TV is a LIVE visual and audio broadcast that streams from the inside of barhouse eaturing bands, acts and DJs all playing live from the stage u0026 dj booth.

example sentences with audio

15) Despite a popular song from the late 1970s decrying that Video Killed the Radio Star, the listening experience of an audio broadcast remains part of driving.

16) While this technique may be much more limiting than using Realaudio or other internet audio broadcast, it is also much more accessible.

17) Nicral, the UK's leading supplier of ISDN audio broadcast equipment, will be starting the evening in style by hosting a Welcome Champagne Reception.

18) The station carries all Fox programming available with Descriptive Video Service audio, along with Spanish language audio broadcasts of Fox Sports telecasts.

19) On Christmas Eve 1906, Reginald Fessenden used an Alexanderson alternator and rotary spark-gap transmitter to make the first radio audio broadcast, from Brant Rock, Massachusetts.

20) com for the free live blog and free live audio broadcast.

21) com with free live audio broadcasts, free live stats and a free live blog.

22) Digital audio broadcast (DAB)

23) "Geeks in Space" – a web audio broadcast featuring several of the editors of Slashdot (outdated; no new episodes have been posted recently).

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