
audience member in a sentence

1) Up to three audience members were summoned per episode.

2) Each audience member was assigned a number.

audience collocations
3) The minimum age for audience members is 14.

4) The account moved many audience members to tears.

audience member example sentences

5) Keeping warm was the biggest challenge for audience members.

6) I always enjoyed interviewing audience members after a student performance.

7) Many audience members were extremely enthusiastic about the singers.

8) It received mostly positive responses from critics and audience members alike.

9) Another random studio audience member is chosen after the segment.

10) Angry audience members and protestors disrupt the meeting.

11) The studio holds just over 200 audience members.

12) audience members were grouped by branch of service.

13) How do your audience members digest content ?

14) Some audience members shouted out their disapproval .

example sentences with audience

15) And some audience members were problems, really.

16) Twelve audience members turned out, mostly children.

17) Most audience members won't be too concerned though.

18) Another notable audience member was Richard Wagner.

19) Get your audience members at the flip chart.

20) audience members left the auditorium smiling and seemed far from disappointed.

21) These methods gave audience members the illusion of distance and depth.

22) Will this topic interest some audience members more than others?

23) The twenty random audience members choose a partner to play with.

24) audience members said it was not persuasive or simply too long.

25) The board barred audience members from commenting on the procedures.

26) Several audience members waiting to use the stall become increasingly annoyed.

27) audience members had to guess what the mistake was.

How to use audience in a sentence

28) Griffin would also frequently chat with audience members.

29) It assumes that audience members are not passive consumers of media.

30) audience members are invited to a reception immediately following the performance .

31) audience members will see other audience members .

32) audience members will see other audience members .

33) Several audience members left after the first act.

34) All audience members expressed their admiration for the documentary.

35) There are fewer New Orleans audience members than ever before.

36) An audience member shouted, "Stop degrading us!

37) Nominations are forwarded by community television volunteers and audience members.

38) The smiles brought to audience members' faces were irrepressible.

39) Special ticket prices are available for non-UST audience members.

40) She truly liked to tour and to meet audience members one-to-one.

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