
audible tone in a sentence

1) No audible mute tone, only indicator on front of headset.

2) Trainers can also send an audible tone to the collar receiver.

audible collocations
3) Ancient music is designated by the characterization of the basic audible tones and scales.

4) A variometer that produces this type of audible tone is known as an "audio variometer".

audible tone example sentences

5) When started, the timer gives an audible electronic tone and the shooter will begin the stage.

6) It detected by mixing the transmitted and the Doppler-shifted reflected signals, resulting in an audible tone .

7) Also an audible ringing tone is sent to the caller telephone to indicate that the call is progressing.

8) Rewards may come in the form of audible tones or changes in on-screen imagery and the like.

9) Reverse Sensing System: An audible tone will alert the driver to certain objects up to six feet behind the vehicle.

10) Off-hook - lifting the handset closes the circuit and allows the telephone switch to send an audible dial tone to the receiver.

11) As his work progressed, Fessenden also evolved the heterodyne principle, which combined two signals to produce a third audible tone .

12) There's an Events notifier in the upper left corner, but no audible tone or even a noticeable animation to alert you of things going on in a different window.

13) The bread was not itself to be lifted up for the adoration of the worshippers, but was to be administered in a plain and audible tone of voice.

14) For the subsequent judgment task the films were presented in their entirety with an audible tone recorded at the moment the car passed through the centre of the junction.

example sentences with audible

15) An audible warning tone, generated by the trouble annunciator mounted to the side of the release device, will sound when the battery is approaching the minimum operating threshold.

16) An audible tone sounds when you should begin, and then each time you shoot the timer records the elapsed time at that shot.

17) Another common method for making rough estimates of spoke tension involves plucking the spokes and listening to the audible tone of the vibrating spoke.

18) DTMF telephones enabled the use of in-band signaling, i.e., they transmit audible tones in the same 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz range occupied by the human voice.

19) However, if the called party's line is in use but has call waiting installed, the exchange sends an intermittent audible tone to the called party to indicate an incoming call.

20) The Glass Break Sensor will alarm the system and tell users immediately upon the audible tone of breaking glass, preventing "smash-and-grab" attempts.

21) At its end he found a choked, barely audible head tone for the moment when the Knight lays himself down in the ancestral tomb and expires.

22) In a slow but audible tone, the governor said: "I'm grateful to God", when asked about his health.

23) create an audible tone via an oscillator.

24) " Parametric Speakers" are speakers or devices that indirectly generate audible frequency tones from ultrasonic tones.

25) audible ringing tone

26) "You loved Walter," she said, in scarcely audible tones ; "your breast pillowed his dying head –indeed, indeed your sympathy is very precious to me.

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