
auction block in a sentence

1) The hotel was next door to the slave auction block .

2) Hulu is no longer on the auction block .

auction collocations
3) This is how democracy is placed on the auction block .

4) Here are some that are currently on the auction block .

auction block example sentences

5) Indiana was a free state but Louisville actually had several auction blocks .

6) This particular one on the auction block has a nightmarish history.

7) In February 2010 alone, 352 homes were on the auction block .

8) Foreclosed properties have been flooding the auction block following the housing crisis.

9) He stepped onto the auction block .

10) Quentin MacDonald and Redmond went to the auction block in robes .

11) The pit below was empty, save for a large wooden auction block .

12) The auction block, that is.

13) The Smiths and Starbirds agreed to sell him on the auction block in Henderson.

14) There was a slave auction block next to the Menger Hotel and near the Alamo.

example sentences with auction

15) Being a slave captured in Africa and brought and sold on the auction blocks in America.

16) It cannot be acquired by absorption or by proxy, or on the auction block .

17) Two multi-million dollar properties in the High Country will be on the auction block in August.

18) Should Art be on auction blocks before cutting the income pension lifelines of current and retired Detroit workers?

19) The "Kate" and other possessions of the company went on the auction block in March 1872.

20) Saved from the auction block, the panels remain with Bonhams pending the outcome of a police inquiry.

21) In July 2008, DMSI announced it was on the auction block, with sale scheduled for the following month.

22) Items already on the auction block for lucky bidders to win range from rental cottage discounts to many other exciting items.

23) One of the two largest aircraft carriers ever designed by the mighty Soviet military is being put on the auction block .

24) An increasing proportion of bankrupt firms use Chapter 11 not as a traditional reorganization mechanism but as a convenient auction block .

25) The guns very nearly went on the auction block before Trailer and Michael Bavaro learned of the situation and retook possession.

26) Notwithstanding my grandmother's long and faithful service to her owners, not one of her children escaped the auction block .

27) Twenty-three Mustangs spanning many decades will also cross the two-lane auction block as 2014 is the 50th anniversary of the Mustang.

How to use auction in a sentence

28) In order to raise cash needed to pay off debts, all of the Willys Corporation assets were on the auction block .

29) The Henson Co. had been on the auction block for more than two years after EM.TV's once high-flying stock collapsed and the company began to face a serious financial crisis in late 2000.

30) Being of no greater worth to anyone, she was finally hauled away in humiliation in chains, to be sold on the public auction block as a slave.

31) Today Coke has become just another corrupt American corporation and the management sold not only their heritage but ours as well on the auction block of political correctness.

32) By noon she was back on the auction block – nearly six weeks to the day since the last time she was there.

33) She is the next generation of a name every serious muscle car fan in the world associates with performance, and these days lofty prices on the auction block .

34) Unlike other pay per bid auction sites that list their own items, there are some sites that let you list the items on the auction block .

35) Timber value can be difficult to determine because the vast majority of logs cut are used internally by corporations and seldom make it to the public auction block .

36) The inevitable result would be to dismantle public education and place its various components on the private - but publicly subsidized - auction block .

37) The U.S. government announced last month it was vacating a swath of spectrum, which it would put it on the auction block, perhaps this coming June.

38) A young man is on the auction block, and a young black woman can be seen in the audience on her knees pleading with a white man.

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