
atypical in a sentence

1) The term "atypical facial pain" has been criticized.

2) They are particularly effective in treating atypical depression.

atypical collocations
3) There is nothing atypical about the installation.

4) This ultimately leads to sleeping in atypical hours.

atypical example sentences

5) This is atypical for the exceptional artist.

6) They are often seen as atypical and peripheral.

7) But there are always studies with atypical results.

8) Run your program with atypical screen sizes.

9) What is atypical about this case summary?

10) Wilson honed his atypical production methods over several years.

11) Adults with atypical presentation are more difficult to diagnose.

12) The findings are similar to those seen in atypical depression.

13) Both instruments are played in an atypical manner.

14) Many of the manifestations may appear atypical.

example sentences with atypical

15) The frozen section also has some atypical things on offer.

16) My back has a lot of atypical moles.

17) A case of atypical pneumonia in Oaxaca prompts enhanced national surveillance.

18) Half saw atypical cells, and half did not.

19) Nor does this national trend appear to be atypical.

20) This warrants monitoring and reporting of suspicious cases of atypical pneumonia.

21) A correction of 6 percent in stocks is anything but atypical.

22) This conduct is atypical and most departments take complaints very seriously .

23) This syndrome is caused by atypical chromosomal development.

24) But such families are clearly atypical of America's poor.

25) After this atypical debut, Dino never spoke again.

26) Analogous atypical results were soon found with patients.

27) These patients may exhibit atypical forms of gout.

How to use atypical in a sentence

28) This action is common to both typical and atypical antipsychotics.

29) The labels already carry a warning about atypical femur fractures .

30) Sustaining available less or affecting such between necessary, atypical.

31) His group studied six atypical antipsychotics and one typical.

32) The performance, although more traditionally flamenco, was atypical.

33) If the organism is known, is it typical or atypical?

34) This also is atypical versus the rest of the cloth.

35) Natsu is also a very uh atypical protagonist.

36) The upstate New York wines tend to be very atypical.

37) The first handful of miles, though, are atypical.

38) There are also a few factors that lead to atypical depression.

39) They are also associated with typical and atypical functioning in memory.

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