
attrited in a sentence

1) A nocturnal sleeping unit of unprocessed cereal material, an exterior segment of medium calorie farinaceous comestible and attrited fragmentary clothing units.

2) Given that the Bolivian Ospreys were attrited by combat and accidents, the Bolivians wanted a quicker, two-seater combat aircraft, and the Falcon was an excellent replacement.

3) Before the season, he was converted to safety, a position that had been attrited by the graduation of former starters Christian Varner and J.J. Justice, and Tate also saw action on special teams.

4) As the war continued, German submarines were progressively attrited by U.S. Navy and Allied antisubmarine warfare forces and German torpedo raids by U-boats decreased.

attrited example sentences

5) Eighteen months later, Murtagh finds that the majority of groups 1 and 2 believe their Irish ability has attrited, the immersion group less so.

6) Battle engagements in South Carolina largely seriously attrited the 1st and 3rd Regiments in the spring of 1780, who amalgamated into a single unit.

7) The small detachment, gradually attrited, had a few notable successes:

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