
attributional in a sentence

1) The following are examples of attributional biases.

2) Visual perspective is important in determining attributional differences between interactants.

3) attributional ambiguity has been shown to impact a person's self-esteem.

4) attributional complexity is the ability to efficiently deduce causality in necessary situations.

attributional example sentences

5) An attributional analysis of maternal beliefs about the importance of childrearing practices.

6) This tendency is characteristic of a depressive attributional, or pessimistic explanatory style.

7) What is the basic underlying reason why we tend to make attributional mistakes?

8) Various scales have been developed to assess both attributional style and locus of control.

9) Depressive realism and attributional style: implications for individuals at risk for depression.

10) High levels of attributional complexity do not alter the effects of the camera perspective bias.

11) Much of this work falls within the domain of improving academic achievement through attributional retraining.

12) attributional style theory dealing with different ways in which people explain events in their lives.

13) Taken together, these studies provide evidence for the flexibility and modifiability of attributional biases.

14) Not surprisingly then, literary stylistics and attributional stylistics have tended to move in different orbits.

example sentences with attributional

15) In social psychology, this is referred to as the "fundamental or ultimate attributional error".

16) Attempts could then be made to force the person to criticise and change his attributional style.

17) Accordingly, this use cannot infringe on the economic nor attributional value to the author.

18) Note that this is not an exhaustive list (see List of attributional biases for more).

19) Therefore, the retraining helped students perceive greater control over their own academic success by altering their attributional process.

20) State rumination is more common in people who are pessimistic, neurotic, and who have negative attributional styles.

21) An individual's attributional style or explanatory style is the key to understanding why people respond differently to adverse events.

22) attributional ambiguity can also make it difficult to assess one's skills because performance-related evaluations are mistrusted or discounted.

23) In one study, first year college students went through attributional retraining following their first exam in a two-semester course.

24) Self-disclosure has a pan-cultural effect on attributional confidence but other types of uncertainty reduction strategies appeared to be more culture-specific.

25) Therefore, possessing a high level of attributional complexity does not shield one from the camera perspective bias in videotaped confessions.

26) Studies have implemented attributional retraining to help, for example, students have more positive perceptions of their own academic abilities.

27) When an item is committed to memory, information from each of these attributional categories is encoded into the item's trace.

28) attributional ambiguity refers to the uncertainty that members of stereotyped groups experience in interpreting the causes of others' behavior toward them.

29) attributional style (or explanatory style) is a concept introduced by Lyn Yvonne Abramson, Martin Seligman and John D. Teasdale.

30) It seems to me that a lot of musicology suffers from this sort of "fundamental attributional error", not making room or allowances for other ways of constructing musical meanings and realities.

31) The learned hypotheses are in the form of rulesets in attributional calculus, a logic system that combines elements of propositional, predicate and multi-valued logic.

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