
attribution model in a sentence

1) attribution models offer further support for these transformations.

2) Let's take time decay attribution model as an example.

attribution collocations
3) Who should determine the attribution model – and how to develop a successful one?

4) For most of the attribution models I've seen, offline behaviors are simply ignored.

attribution model example sentences

5) Social media's value is not always captured by first-click or last-click attribution models .

6) This tool allows you to create customized attribution models taking into account time decay and position .

7) A common issue is not having the required staff to make use of an attribution model .

8) Why is it so incredibly difficult to make people understand that last click attribution model is just idiot?

9) These criticisms of the attribution model reveal that the theory may not be a general, universal principle.

10) Only two of the 25 delegates had a functioning attribution model in place, the rest were focused more on analysis .

11) And with so many attribution models, what's the most effective way to measure ROI beyond traditional last-click measurement techniques?

12) A couple of months ago I saw a wonderful presentation on some enhanced attribution models based upon conversion data from Google Analytics.

13) And our individual attribution analysis model provides the answer to the fundamental question – what factors influence how users behave, when and to what extent – and ultimately generate conversions?

14) The use of the milestone method is not mandatory, nor is it the only acceptable revenue attribution model for transactions that meet the specified criteria in ASC 605-28.

example sentences with attribution

15) This is because position based attribution model often assigns 40% credit to the first, 40% credit to the last interaction, and 20% credit to the interactions in the middle.

16) As you can see from the attribution model above, GDN (9) stands to gain the most with both the time decay model and the position based model .

17) So now with the same custom Channel Grouping selected, I can select up to 3 different attribution models to compare and get an idea of the shifts in conversions (and conversion values).

18) Why would you rely on a media property that is going to make more money off media than ad serving to deliver you your attribution models ?

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